Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


They moved as one and the next thing I knew I was pressed against the opposite wall with my hands pinned over my head and a thick thigh wedged between my legs. The firm flexing muscles of that leg pressed intimately against my swollen shaft had me groaning into the mouth that was sealed over mine. I barely heard my front door slam closed and the locks clicking into place because of the blood now rushing through my ears.

"Fuck baby, you can't dress like this and expect us to control ourselves." Shaun groaned against my kiss swollen lips. He shifted to the side to make room for his brother who immediately latched those wicked lips to my neck and sucked on my spot like he was trying to draw blood. They both rubbed their magnificent bodies against mine like they were trying to mark me with their combined scents.

"Damn, you smell good, baby." Shane uttered and went back to licking his way across my throat. It felt so good to be pinned and worshipped like this, but I had to slow this down or else all of my plans for the evening was going to be for nothing.

"Gu...guys, I planned a whole evening....Please." I stuttered out the plea as I tried and failed to get my arms free. Shane just growled in response and pushed against me even more as Shaun worked his way up my jawline.

I felt several fingers against the hypersensitive skin of my thighs and I gasped and blinked up with glazed eyes after Shaun ripped the sweater over my head leaving me completely naked and trembling with sexual tension. "We can eat after, we have waited until you were ready for us, and fuck, you showing up at the front door looking like my wet dream is all the encouragement we need." He growled just a moment before I was picked up and tossed over a broad shoulder and carried back down the hall to my bedroom.

I could feel Shane's eyes on my exposed ass and I heard his hiss of pleasure as he ran his warm open palm over it as he followed his brother into my bedroom. Shane gently lowered me onto the cool sheets of the already turned down bed, and I had to fight my natural instincts to cover myself as they both loomed over me. Their eyes roamed over my body and my eyes fell from their faces to the groins. I was pleased to see the taunt tenting of their trousers as evidence of how much they liked what they saw, and that it wasn't just pretty words of admiration for them to get into my pants.

The evening wasn't going as I had planned, but I no longer gave a damn as my men started undressing themselves almost in unison. My eyes greedily observed every inch by inch of sweetly freckled skin that was revealed to me. I loved each and everyone of those freckles. I could easily find myself spending hours studying their patterns, but that wasn't what held my attention at the moment, it was the dual sounds of their zippers lowering that had me almost panting in the middle of the bed like an eager little puppy. They finally dropped their pants and kicked them aside, their awesome shafts were red, and hard, slick with precum and my mouth watered at the sight. I so wanted to drop to my knees and know what they tasted like. I wanted to feel the weight if those long thick rods on my tongue as my lips wrapped around their meaty width.

My skin felt like it was on fire and my shaft throbbed with a heartbeat of it's own. My hand went to my member to try to find get some relief to the aching organ, but I quickly jerked my fingers away from my throbbing member when Shane's barked the demand, "Hands off, that belongs to us now and neither of us said you can touch it, sweetness"

"Come here." Shaun demanded as he pointed to the space right between their ripped bodies. I almost forgot to be disappointed that they didn't want me to touch my own tool.

I scooted off the bed and happily went to stand in between my two gingers. I was heady with the thought of getting to touch them since I wasn't allowed to touch myself. They both stepped forward and pressed themselves against me. Shaun at my back and Shane at my front. I could feel their turgid flesh pressed against me, one to my lower back and the other to my abdomen and my knees wobbled just a little. I wanted them to the point of neediness, and I didn't know what to do about it until Shane leaned forward and captured my lips in a searing kiss. Shaun followed suit and began licking his way from my shoulder to my ear.

The Laws of Motion (manxmen, teacher/student) *Short Story* Camp Nanowrimo 2015 WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now