Christmas Town

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Hello, so for this story, I have linked some YouTube videos, so as you're reading the story, you can have some nice atmosphere to go along with the story. I hope you enjoy.


The sun was still hidden down in the horizon, the six am darkness still stood its ground as the cold air ripped through the leafless trees. Ivy smiled as she sat on her sofa in her pyjamas with the fire on and a cup of coffee in her hands, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a small smile sat on her face. The small glow of the street lamps outside created small counterfeit stars that lined the streets, lighting a pathway of magic. It was then where the first flake of snow that dropped out of the sky, fluttering all the way down to the solid ground.
Ivy smiled and took another sip of her coffee, feeling all cosy inside.


It was noon and the snow had stopped, a thin layer of the fluffy snow sat on the ground. Ivy plodded along the brick and tarmacked ground, the sounds of Christmas songs played and the sound of people chattering to one another arose. The sounds of shouting children and clinking glasses that came made Ivy smile. The smell of cooking food, cookies and gingerbread and toffee apples, and the aroma of the coffee shops, the hot chocolate and the spiced apple lattes made her all fuzzy inside, knowing they'd warm up the patrons that went inside to keep cosy. 

Ivy made a beeline to the shopping centre, where the warm are blew at her when she entered. Groups of people entered and left the shopping centre, swarms of people entered and exited the shops, the lines for the food shops and toilets and tills made their way out of the respected area, the lines curved around benches and pillars. Shit. Ivy thought as she knew there would be no way she would be able to be in and out as soon as she wanted. In defeat, Ivy left for the time being, making her way back to the main town where she came from, weaving in and out of people. Finally, she made her way into her favourite coffee shop, and she made her way into the line, which, despite the coffee shop being full, the line was relatively short so she got to the front really quickly.


"Hello ma'am, what can I get for you?" The barista asked.
"Hi, yes. Could I have a spiced apple latte and a tiramisu cake please to sit in?" 
"Yeah sure. That would be £4.50. Will you be paying cash or card?"
"Card please." Ivy confirmed, the barista got the card machine set up and Ivy tapped her card.
"I will bring your coffee and your cake over to you ma'am." The barista smiled, to which Ivy thanked and like outside in the city, Ivy weaved in and out of customers, finding a seat, and sat down, placing her bag to the side of her.

She pulled out her phone and played on it whilst she waited. After 10 minutes passed, the same barista that took Ivy's order brought Ivy's coffee and tiramisu over on a tray. "Thank you so much." Ivy stated with a smile.
"You're welcome. Have a good day." The barista smiled.
"Same to you." Ivy replied with a smile. Ivy took her fork and took a bite out of her tiramisu, the hint of coffee made its way into Ivy's mouth. Soon enough, she took a sip of her spiced apple latte. The taste of the coffee made Ivy smile with joy.
Once she finished her coffee and cake, she took her tray back to the counter and handed it back to the free barista. She thanked the barista once again, and she left the store with her bag.


Finally, she made her way back to the shopping centre, and luckily, the amount of people that had been in the shopping centre had dropped, and so now, there was less people. 
With each step Ivy took,  the more people seemed to be gathered in the shopping centre. But Ivy made her way to the shops she needed to go to, and she soon made her way back home. The sky had darkened, the sun beginning to set. 


The light, soft and fluffy snowflakes made their way down, soon settling onto the cold, hard ground. Ivy smiled and made her way to the bus stop, seeing the bus in the station, and quickly hurrying to it and getting on, travelling back from the magical Christmas town back home. She enjoyed the experience and having fun.

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