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Y/n's Pov
I'm so dead they found out why did I take my stupid ass bracelet off, oh my God I hate myself right now ughhhhh,

Okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys it's just I didn't wanna talk about my past trauma that's all you told them,

Well Y/n you know you could be honest with us Eddie replied,

Yeah well I'm sorry You said,

Sorry is that it I'm your best friend and you didn't even tell me I'm really offended right now Steve added,

Steves got a point Dustin said,

So you were in the lab right Max asked,

Yes you replied,

That's probably why Vecnas after you cause your past trauma when you were in the lab Max said,

You are so smart Mayfield Steve announced,

I fucking knew it you stood up,

You ran out tears forming as you remember what happened in the lab all thoughs dead bodies,

Y/n! Eddie cried out running after you,

Go away Eddie you let out,

Eddies pulled your arm making you face him, he placed his hand on your cheek,

Eddie you whispered,

Y/n I'm not leaving, I'm gonna help you through this okay he reasured,

You nodded with a teary smile,

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