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Daddy Dearest



"Ever since I discovered what was going on, I've only been able to give fake smiles."

Holly was normal, or at least she thought she was. But one day, after hearing an interesting conversation between two middle school students, Holly realizes that there's a fine line between normality and abnormality.


Friendship/Humour/Tragedy/Romance/Thriller/Angst/A little Action/General


[R] for it deals deeply with sexuality such as homosexuality in very descriptive detail and strong language. If things along these lines disturb you, I suggest you should not read this story.


It beginnings in Chicago, Illinois, but will later take place New York City, New York. Unless stated in the author's note, most places will be COMPLETELY made-up.


Holly Valdez:

Holly appears to be a regular sixteen year-old girl; works hard in school, has hobbies. But it is all just a cover that Holly uses to protect herself. Although, she does has some trademarks of being sixteen. This is mostly seen through her personality traits. Holly is rather creative, seeing as she was a strong act for photography and visual arts. She is considerable studios which leads her to being a high achiever and a bit of a perfectionist. She tries to have a good hold of self-control when it comes to things as her anger. With much dislike to arguments, she tends to be on the quieter side but when she does get involved, it is to only be a negotiator. She tries to appear as uncomplicated in fears that it may increase curiosity in others and have them cling to her. Before the discovery of the "incident" she had no problem with people and always invited them in but now she keeps them locked out. Between her and her brother, Holly is the oldest and takes on to that title in ways as being responsible, cautious, and even-tempered. But her need to lock people out does tend to be an annoying quality which in the end, always leaves her alone; mostly pleased, rarely lonely.

Holly was born on June 15th to Isabella Garcia and Emilio Valdez. At the time, Isabella was only sixteen while Emilio was seventeen. At first everyone was led to believe that Emilio was the father but soon, Isabella revealed the truth. Emilio was determined to stay however and even though it was disapproved by their families, the two groups came together to rush their children into marriage before Holly was born. So three months after what felt like a shotgun wedding, little Holly Carmencita-Emperatriz (the names of her grandmothers) Valdez was born. Thanks to the support of both families, it wasn't along until the two young parents were able to get back on their feet. They two even managed to go to college but of course, this left Holly in the care of her grandparents from either side. Of course, it was demanded that the little girl spoke Spanish so she was surrounded by the language and came to speak that one before English. Holly was soon joined in her adventure to the English language by Julian Felipe-Luis (the names of his grandfathers) Valdez who was born November 28th only a year later due to a hard night of studying and unprotected sex. Obviously, no one was happy about this but even though adoption was considered, abortion never entered anyone's mind. In the end, Julian remained apart of the family, nobody could say 'no' to those big, bright and peculiar green eyes. By the time Holly was four and Julian three, the Valdez family had moved into a house about an hour drive away from the Isabella's family and forty minutes from Emilio's. Now the house of course wasn't big but it was close to Emilio's job where he worked at a bank. It also worked for Isabella who had taken up finacial advising so she could work from home and take care their children. Striking a break like this wasn't easy of course, it took hard work but eventually the two were able to succeed.

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