Part 6(last part)

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An old man entered and I could sense fear on Mr Jung's face. "I'm Mr Hoo,I gave my daughter to this man because I wanted her to repay my debts...I know I did wrong but at least I thought she would have a good life unlike me but he used her instead"Mr Hoo said. Min Hoo suddenly entered and saw her father. She rushed to hug him but later realized all eyes were on her. "The truth have been revealed"I told her. She looked at his father then to Mr Jung. "What's going on"she was confused and demanded an explanation. "Everyone knows that you are a slave now"Mi said. "She's not a slave she's my mistress"Mr Jung said and smirked. "What!"Mrs Jung screamed. "She's neither a slave nor mistress"I said. Mrs Jung tried to slap Min Hoo but I stopped her in time and told her to stay calm. I explained that Min Hoo was just a victim.

After,Min Hoo apologize to Mrs Jung. I was relieved that everything was sorted out. "Wait, why did you let Jimmy Park tell the truth, do you want them to be together again?"Mi asked. "What are trying to say?"I asked her. "Aren't you dating Akis"Mi said. "No, who gave you that idea"I replied. "Then why did she come to your room and you once carried her to her room"Mi said. "Oh,so who are you to judge me,see what you are doing to my daughter behind my back"Mr Jung said. "Is it true Akis?"Mrs Jung asked. "Yes but we aren't dating" Akis replied. "See it's because of some circumstances"I explained. "Okay I'm sorry Kumos I thought you guys were dating" Mi apologized. "It's fine"I said.Mrs Jung sacked Mr Jung because it was her house apparently. Akis forgave Jimmy and they got back together. Min Hoo also accepted my offer and I asked her to move in with me until she finds a place for herself. The offer was to become a new star of SEC company. I left the house with Min Hoo the next day. "I'm really gonna miss you"those were the last words from Akis before I left. Mi didn't want to talk to me because I was leaving.

Sara helped us  with the arrangement of ours staffs into the apartment.
After we were done I took the upper floor and told Min Hoo to take the down floor. "If you need anything just tell me"I told her. I went to shower. After the shower I saw Min Hoo putting clothes on my bed. "What are you doing in my room?" I asked her. "I'm so sorry I just wanted to do something for you since you saved me"she said and looked away. I picked the clothes and told her to get out because I want to dress and she did silently. I got on my bed after. The next day I went to the company with Min Hoo. I introduced her to the crew and they recorded her songs. "She's good.....we would train her to be a star"Mr.Park said. "Sir,I would like to be her manager for the mean time,so csn you let Akis the manager of the new star"I said to him. "Okay"he agreed.

I decided to go home early because I was tired. I got out of my car and saw decorations outside my apartment. "What's going on?"I asked myself and rushed in I saw Min Hoo in the hall way making the decorations. "What's this?" I asked her. "This ......."she said but stooped. I looked around and saw a sign that read "Be my boyfriend". "You want me to be your boyfriend?"I asked. "No is not want you think..."before she could complete I learned in and kissed her slowly. She rebelled at first but later joined in. "No,no stop"she said and I broke the kiss. "I didn't prepare this"she said. "What,then who did"I asked. That was when I saw Sara coming out holding a cake. "Min Hoo are you done with the decorations?"she asked. "Sara he's here"Min Hoo said. Sara raised her head and saw me. "Oh no you ruined the surprise"Sara said. "Why did you come early today"she asked. "I'm tired"I said. "Do you like my surprise"Sara asked. "Yes it's nice"I said smiling. "Min,please excuse us"Sara said. After Min left Sara told me to read the sign. I looked it silently. "So what's your answer?"Sara asked. "I'm sorry Sara but I like someone else"I said. "Really?"Sara asked. "Yes please forget about me I don't deserve you"I said. "Who's the one you like ?"she asked.

"Huh, I can't tell you now"I replied. "Does she like you back"she asked as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't know"I said. I got closer and told her not to cry but she pushed me away. "Don't you dare talk to me and please just tell me the person you like so I can feel at ease"she said. "Min"I said. "What Min, my father's mistress, what is so special about her that you all like her?"she asked. "Sara you aren't in you right senses please stay calm"I said and hugged her. She rebelled and pushed me again. "Don't touch me I hate you so much"she said and rushed out I run after her but she drove her car away. "I hope she doesn't do anything stupid"I said to myself and went back inside. I saw Min Hoo crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. "She's right I'm just a mistress why would you like me"she said. "You aren't a mistress you are Min Hoo an independent woman"I said to her. "I like you Min the way you are"I said. She looked at me and hugged me. "I like you too"she said. I felt happy and hugged her back. After she went to sleep and I also went to my room. I called Akis to ask if Sara and she told me Sara as okay but acting strange. I felt relieved because she was fine.
The next day, I got dressed for work,had my breakfast and gave Min Hoo a goodbye kiss even though we will be in the same company.

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