The Harsh Truth

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Schools Do not necessarily help with kids' mental health. One of the biggest lies I have heard was the school cannot and will not get involved in this situation due to the fact this was out of school. A few days later they get involved because of this other kid in school. If I have learnt anything it is keep your friends close and keep your enemy's closer. So, thank you Kings International College. If you are reading this now, I would not believe it.

My experiences at school are mostly made up of being bullied and the teachers sticking up for the other side. It hurts at first a lot. Girls get dress coded for wearing short skirts that are not that short on purpose because other girls roll up their skirts. Boys cannot wear shorts because it is 'unprofessional' Schools are not always in the right.

Growing up in school I noticed Schools would let the boys touch the back of girl's legs because we had no proof I had and still have girls, boys and nonbinary people push and shove me into walls. I always get told there is nothing we can do if you have no proof. Kids threaten to kill people and there is no proof but the minuet a teachers favourite student says something the teachers are straight on it. Even if it is a bunch of lies. School has given me strength and has taught me that in the real world it is everyone for themselves. 

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