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I am zoned back in by someone resting their hand on my bouncing leg. I look over and see Chris offering a small smile.

"Thanks." I smile at him, "You like him don't you?" Chris asks, "Who?" I ask in answer, "Matt. You like him?" he clarifies. "Nah." I keep it simple with my answer. "Then who do you like?" he asks, "...Carmen. But I'm trying not to because him and Nick have a thing for each other." I answer with a sigh, "Wait they do?" he asks.

"Yeah they both told me about it yesterday. I told Nick to date him though because they look happy when they're around each other and I don't wanna ruin his chances of getting his first boyfriend." I explain, "Oh I'm sorry Kai. You'll find someone better soon though. Maybe you already met him." Chris nods his head over to Matt who's at the vending machine getting us snacks.

"Stop it with the Matt stuff. We would never work." I tell him, "And why is that?" he asks.

"Because we like just became friends recently. We've hated each other almost our whole lives. The only thing I have ever seen him as was my best friend's brother. Maybe not in like 9th grade cause I had a crush on him but I don't see him like that anymore." I answer, "But would you be lying if you said you didn't find him attractive?" Chris asks with a slight smirk.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I like him. Just because I find him attractive doesn't mean I'm in love with him again. I mean yeah he's cute I'll give you that. Sure he's funny and can sometimes have a good personality. But-" 

"Just face it Kaia. You never fell out of love with him. You still love him. No matter how much you deny it." With that Chris walks to Matt.

"I am not  in love with him." I argue going to Chris, "With who?" Matt asks, "You. He keeps telling me I'm still in love with you and I'm not." I answer.

"Chris she likes Carmen." Matt tells Chris. "How did you know before I did?" Chris exclaims, "Because she told me yesterday when she was ranting about Nick and Carmen. I guess she likes me better." Matt boasts, "I do not. It's always Chris over you." I argue, "See I still don't understand how you've never had a crush on Chris yet you were in love with me." Matt wonders and I glare at him before answering.

"Chris is like a brother to me. It's weird seeing him like that."  I tell him. "Wasn't it weird liking me in Freshman year? You know cuz like we hated each other. And I was your best friend's brother." Matt asks me.

If I'm being honest, it felt like a normal crush. Even if that was beginning of our hatred for each other, I still felt an odd attraction to him.

"Um I'm not sure. I- I mean like it wasn't that  weird since we hadn't really fully hated each other, but it was definitely something different." I answer, "Probably cause you loved him." Chris says with a teasing tone.

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you guys about this." I say as Carmen and Nick walk in holding hands. I was too focused on the two that I didn't know Matt had moved next to me until I heard him whisper, "Don't worry Kaia, I had a small thing for you too."

I feel a slight heat rush to my cheeks so I turn away from him.

"Alright bitches, time to go roller skating." Nick shouts and Carmen laughs at him.


The next thing they know is Chris is skating away from Kaia and Matt making the two alone.

"CHRIS! CHRIS I CAN'T SKATE WHAT THE FUCK!" Kaia shouts to the laughing boy who's skating away from her.

"BYE STINK PAD." He shouts back at her.

"Screw him. I'll help you skate." Matt tells Kaia, "Mm right like I trust..." Kaia stops her words as the two hold straight eye contact.

"What is something wrong?" Matt asks, "Nothing... just... sorry- what was I saying?" she replies.

"You were saying how you don't trust me to teach you how to skate." Matt reminds her, "Right, but I wanna learn so I guess I'll just have to." Kaia replies.

"Great so do you feel comfortable... if I do this?" he asks as he slowly puts his hands on Kaia's hips.

She nods her head and Matt continues.

"Here just push off of that foot, and- ay there you go. You're getting it."

Kaia was barley hearing Matt's words as her mind continued to make her zone out at the thought of Matt's hands on her hips and the soft words escaping from his lips.

"Yep you're doing good, just... like.. that..." Matt smiles down at the girl. "Here do you wanna go get a slice of pizza real quick then we can go back to skating?" 

"Sure." And with Kaia's answer, the two go to the little food area where they buy two slices of pizza each and sit down.

"So um, how is it with Carmen?" Matt asks, taking a bite of his pizza, "Um good I guess. I'm starting to not like him as much." Kaia tells him, "Oh that's great Kaia, what made you decide that you barley like him any more?" he asks in reply.

"Oh uh- I- maybe just because like you know he's dating my best friend and they look happy together. I wouldn't wanna ruin that for them."

Kaia knew that answering Matt with her words switched around probably wasn't the best idea. Yes maybe what she said was true but it wasn't how she realized she was beginning to loose feelings for the blonde.

"Yeah I get that." Matt replies, "Do you?" Kaia asks, "Yeah I mean I wasn't lying earlier when I told you I had a thing for you. Back in 7th grade, when I told that one guy you liked him. He told me he liked you too but I didn't say anything to you because I liked you too at the time. I just kept it to myself and never told you cause I was jealous." Matt admits.

"No way! He liked me back?" Kaia exclaims, "Yeah, I think another guy did at the time too. But that's what I mean by I get what your saying. I began to feel bad for not telling you he liked you back but then everything happened with Evelyn and my guilt was gone. Of course it was the wrong thing to do because maybe by now you guys would be happily married but it seemed right at the time. But still, I tried fixing it but by the time I did, you both had already lost feelings." he confesses.

"Damn Matt. I-"

"ooo are you guys on a little date?" Nick asks with a weird lovey tone. "Nick we're just eating pizza together. You were with Carmen and Chris left us so we became independent." Kaia explains, "Mhm whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart." he replies and Matt and Kaia shake their heads with a laugh at the boy.

"Hey babe did you tell them yet?" Carmen asks Nick, "Uh no I'm waiting for Chris." Nick answers.

Matt looks up at Kaia to see how she reacted to Carmen calling Nick "Babe" and all he saw was a blank expression on Kaia's face as she picked at her white nail polish on her nails.

"Kai you okay?" he whispers, "Yep, all good." she answers and Chris comes over. 

"Great you're all here. Now me and Carmen have something to tell you guys." Nick announces. Chris, Matt, and Kaia nod their heads at the boy.

"We're dating." They both say in union. 

"Oh my God congratulations bro." Chris says and hugs Nick then Carmen, "Yeah I'm happy for you guys." Kaia adds, "Me too." Matt adds.

If only he knew what Kaia's mind was going through right now.

KIERA SPEAKS: BRUH i would just like to point out that by now in writing is when i would end it and loose motivation but i think there's something special about this one fs. anyways, love you all sm make sure to eat and drink and PLEASE don't die. if you need someone to talk to, i cannot say it enough, private message me, i don't bite.

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