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 Kaia sighs as she joins Nick on his bed.

"What have you done now?" he asks. "I fucked up." she states with a slight groan at the end of her answer.

"You're probably over thinking it. What happened?" he asks.

"Matt kissed me. Matt kissed me last night and it was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling after it." Kaia's mind goes bonkers just thinking about it.

"So then how did you fuck up?"

"Because I brought it up this morning to him when we woke up and I told him it shouldn't have happened and how we're just friends and just friends don't kiss. But I don't want to be just friends. Nick I like Matt again and there's no denying it. He's just- UGH. Why did I have to go say something like that. I don't- I just- AND I told him to pretend like it didn't happen. But I don't want to ignore it because it meant a lot to me. He means a lot to me and I want there to be an us but I-" Kaia lets out a huff of air from her nose as she begins to cry.

"I don't know what to do Nick. I really like him and I fucked up any chance of something happening between us." she cries.

Nick pulls her into his chest allowing her to cry it out.

"You really have fucked up." Nick says, "NOT HELPING NICK." She shouts into his chest so it comes out muffled. 

"Well Kaia, is there a reason you told him all of that stuff?" he asks and Kaia sits up. "I mean I guess I kinda got scared. You know cause he's my best friend's brother and wouldn't it be weird if we dated or had something like that?" Kaia answers, picking at her nail polish.

"I mean I'm dating my best friend's kinda ex crush... so I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be weird if you dated Matt." Nick points out, "But-" 

"But nothing Kai. You guys make each other happy, and seeing you guys not date literally hurts my heart." he interrupts. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to Matt."

And with that, Nick is out of the room and already walking to wherever Matt is.


Was I really that dumb to kiss her? I mean I thought she liked me back. Fuck, now shit's gonna be weird between us. Why do I have to be so stupid?

"Hey Matt can I talk to you real quick?" Nick asks me, "Yeah sure." 

Nick shuts the door behind him and sits on my bed.

"Kaia told me what happened." He starts. "Yeah of course she did. I'm so stupid, I wish I never did that." I reply.

"Matt you aren't stupid. And you shouldn't wish you never kissed her because she told me it was amazing and how she couldn't stop smiling after that." he tells me.

"You're lying because this morning she told me to forget it ever happened and how we're just friends and just friend's don't kiss. She said how it shouldn't have happened." I object.

"That's not what sh- you know what Matt? She only said all of that because she was scared." he states.

"Of what?" I ask. "Of dating you. Because you're her best friend's brother it would be weird to date you but it wouldn't be. You too literally are like in love with each other." he answers.

"No we aren't. And how would it be weird if we dated?" I correct. "Because Matt. With everything that has happened between you guys ever since the 7th grade. It would be weird to date someone you used to hate with your whole guts. And plus, you guys are used to hating each other not liking each other so this is new to you guys." he explains.

"So... she does like me back?" I ask, "Yes dumbass and she wants a relationship with you." he tells me, "she does!?" I exclaim, "YEAH. Now go get your girl." Nick pushes me off of my bed.

"As much as I want to do that, I wanna wait it out a bit. Test the waters." I inform my triplet. "Okay but just sayin, you better scoop her up soon." Nick says before walking away.


As Matt scrolls through Tiktok, he comes across an edit of him and Kaia. He glances over at Kaia who is eating her happy meal as she watched sponge bob on the tv.

She looks over at him and accidentally makes eye contact with the boy.

"What?" she asks, "Nothing." Matt replies before continuing to scroll through tiktok.

"Hey Matt." Kaia starts, "Yeah." he replies, "Wanna go to the park?" she asks, "Yeah sure." he answers and they both get up.

"GUYS ME AND KAIA ARE GOING TO THE PARK." Matt shouts to his brothers, "K HAVE FUN." 

And with that the two are out the door.

"So." Matt starts, "So." Kaia replies.

"Fuck Kai, I didn't mean to make things awkward between us." he tells her, "No it's fine. Things aren't awkward." she states, "But I feel like it is." Matt replies, "Well don't. One little kiss isn't gonna make things weird between us. We're still the same... best friends we were before." she assures him with a comforting smile.

"But I-" Matt stops himself from speaking before he says something he'll regret.

"Don't be a pussy. Finish your sentence." Kaia insisted, "I'm good. So, what you were saying earlier about getting a little turtle. What has stopped you?" Matt answers, switching the topic.

"Well for one, I live with you guys and I would need to get it approved by you guys before I get a pet. Or I could wait until I get enough money to afford an apartment." Kaia explains, "Kai, it's just a turtle, I'm pretty sure Chris, Nick, and definitely mom would be okay with it." Matt stated.

"I still wanna ask them." Kaia informs the boy as they walk up to the park.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with Kai." Matt replies as he runs up to the swings with Kaia shortly following him.

KIERA SPEAKS: so this is the TWELFTH CHAPTER?! OH MY FUCK. HOW HAVE I NOT LOST MOTIVATION YET. i actually just checked and the longest sturniolo triplet story  is 14 written chapters (not including cast and introduction and all that fun stuff) so i def think this will be my longest fs idk i prolly just kinxed myself but whatever. also I just realized i have been writing this book like they haven't been living in a hotel 😭 oml im gonna cry yk what lets just pretend from now on that its a very very fancy hotel and there are bedrooms

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