chapter 3

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ur mom pov

i turn to the checkout, excitedly skipping along the isles as i turn around. Y/N has decided to buy that shitting flamingo dancing toy with their non existent pocket money, we'll i don't k ow if they have any, but i'm guessing they'll steal it anyway. as i get to the checkout, i pick up the cheese. but why do i need to pay for the love of my life? why should i have to give money to some random ass stranger if i'm happy? no. i will not. i refuse.
i throw the trolley on there head, breaking it, while the stranger cries. this makes me happy for some reason. but they deserve it.
'wow mother that was so cool slay' Y/N says to me, doing the macarena. i smile as we walk out the shop, not giving a care in the world of the screaming assholes in the back.

ur mom x cheeseWhere stories live. Discover now