Wendsday may 15 2014

37 1 0

"The nerd is a delicate species many drop out every da..."
Hi my name is Amilia . And like the guy was saying many nerds drop out every day to get noticed . Not me . No no and no . Well anyways I have a brother two sisters and a dog named Milo . My brother's name is Zach and my sisters' names are Kaley and Karly (if you haven't found out they are twins) .

If you wondering why I'm not dropping out it's because me and my friends signed an oath saying "once a nerd always a nerd ! By signing this oath you are agreeing to be a nerd until 17 years old ." That's not the only reason .

I don't want to be one of those filthy people who don't accept people for who they are . Well today someone pushed me in the mud and said to me "Poor nerd ! Do you need someone to clean your glasses ?" AND TOOK THEM OFF MY HEAD ! It's not my fault I wear glasses ! My whole family wore glasses when they were my age ! AND BROKE THEM AND DROPPED THEM IN THE MUD ! ON PURPOSE ! Those were my favorite pair of glasses 😭😪 . R.I.P sunshine (and yes I do name my glasses) .

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