Prologue: Thyme

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I always wanted my mother to be proud of me, but no matter what I do... I never find grace in her eyes. To be strong, ruthless and infallible... that's who I had to look like. To my mother. I had to close my heart because I learned that love is a weakness. A useless feeling that slows us down. I had to be a king to govern this school. The idea of the red card came to me quickly by watching my mother in the distance. Punish my comrades and show them who the leader is. To anyone who dares to challenge me, I would show no remorse. And I am not an idiot. I know very well that I am Akira Paramaanan. The prodigal son. I cannot get my hands dirty and send a negative image back to the media without enforcing order. That's why it's gonna be the students at this school doing the dirty work for me. Those who will afflict the wounds and harass the bad fellows. Everything must remain confidential and not leave my arena. I think I'm starting to be a strategist like my mother. Would she be proud to know that her son is martyring other people or would she laugh at him? I'm not confident, but if my mom doesn't think I'm a wimp, I think the price is not expensive to pay.

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