Episode 1 : Thyme

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It all started with Gorya. Never before had I given a girl a red card, but to maintain an image of a confident guy of himself, I felt compelled to punish Gorya like everyone else.

Maybe if she had apologized, we could have move on. Maybe.

But I learned that gorya is a fearless girl. She doesn't seem like someone who surrenders to the enemy, but I'm Akira Paramaanan. I'm not just anyone. Indeed, we have become enemies since she dared to oppose me in front of everyone by defending this Hana. But who did she think she was? She shouldn't have interfered for her own good.

Something about her immediately fascinated me. Her bossy temper and the fact that she looked at me like I was the dumbest of them all. Maybe MJ was right. But it's already too late when I think back to my mother and how she tells me I am nothing. If one of us has to surrender, it won't be me.

I wanted Gorya to leave this school, but when those jerks told me what they did to her, I saw red. I never ordered those assholes to sexually assault her! Damn it. I know it's my fault this all happened, but when I learned that Ren saved her, I felt frustrated. Why? Why did he want to help her? Had his good guy nature taken over his passivity? Was it because it was a girl? Even though I'm not proud of myself and a part of me felt relieved that she's safe, I knew I wasn't a good person. I knew I didn't deserve to be forgiven. I was a lost cause because of my stupidity.

I wanted to prove myself to my mother and show her that I had no weakness and no mercy. My mother wanted me to lead Parama group but I didn't know if I had the shoulders strong enough to support all that she had built. The business world is ruthless and fierce. If you are seen to be weak, you will be stepped on. You will be dragged through the mud and people won't help you... Tia might be able to help me, but she had her own life to manage. She didn't need a pathetic and immature little brother. Everything I do now is for my mother. To show her that I'm not weak. To be able to take over the business one day. To rule over such an imposing empire...

And that's why I had to teach Gorya a lesson and show her that I was totally emotionless. To prove to everyone who is the king.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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