Chapter Two

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Beads of sweat slither down my forehead as I slam my fist into the punching bag for the hundredth time.

I wipe the sweat with the back of my boxing glove and continue my punching.

"Raven?!" A voice calls from beneath me. I unstrap my gloves and chuck them to the ground. I head over to the square hatch in the floor and push down the attic ladder.

Ajay climbs up so his head is inside the attic, a.k.a my bedroom.

"Snake wants to see you." he looks up at me with innocent brown eyes.

"Tell him I'll be down in a minute." I nod my head then stand from my crouching position. Ajay leaves and it's silent again, other than the creak of the wood beneath my feet.

I pick up my towel from the floor and dab the sweat from my neck and face. I pull on a loose black top over my sports bra and head back to the ladder.

I climb down and follow the hallway to a staircase that leads to the bottom floor of the house. I take two steps at a time, the sound of men laughing and cursing getting louder.

It triggers a memory and my mind flickers back to the previous night. All the dead bodies of those men, bleeding out on the floor of that house. Their eyes are open, but no life inside of them.

I stop to catch my breath at the bottom of the stairs, shaking the horrific image from my head. I continue into the kitchen where familiar men sit around a circular table. Snake and Ajay are seated with cards in their hands along with Bruce, Spinner, and Jim. Two women in hooker 'clothing' drift around the table, running their fingers over the men's shoulders and through their hair. I fold my arms and lean against the door frame.

"Agh, I'm all in." Spinner says, pushing his chips towards the center of the table.

"Risky move there, Spin." Jim raises his eyebrows at his friend.

One of the two women saunters over to Ajay, swaying her hips and flicking her hair. Ajay seems annoyed with her attention, shuffling awkwardly away from her and concentrating on the cards in his hand. She frowns slightly, but regains a mischievous smile as she moves over to Snake, who welcomes her attention by letting her sit on his knee.

"Ahem." I cough into my fist.

Snake turns his head and glances at me before returning his eyes to the table.

"I'll be with you as soon as I win." he says to me over his shoulder.

I sigh, puffing a strand of hair from my face. I can feel Ajay's eyes on me, making me want to strangle him until he stops staring.

"Fuck it. I fold." Bruce says, chucking his cards down.

"Me too." Jim adds.

"I'm out as well." Ajay defeatedly sighs, glancing up at me again.

"Looks like its just us then, Spinner my boy." Snake says with confidence.

"Full house." Spinner lays his cards down with a smile.

There is silence at the poker table.

"Sorry, this isn't your lucky day," Snake replies, "Straight flush."

The men groan in defeat and pull out their wallets, handing over various notes.

"You wanted to see me Snake?" I readdress him with my arms still folded.

"Ah yes. Let's take this to my office." He stands, patting the girl on the ass as he goes. I roll my eyes and follow him down the hallway to his office.

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