Chapter Twelve

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"Breaking news. Authorities report that Prince Flynnigan Alexander George the Third is 'missing'. Sources inside the royal walls say that the prince was gone without a trace when a maid went to wake him at 9.00am this morning......"

My feet shuffle nervously beneath me as I chew quickly and carelessly, trying to block out the morning news playing above my head.

"Relax, Rave." Flynn slurps at his coke slushy.

"Stop calling me that."


"Because I said so." I deadpan.

"They aren't going to find us. Just please try and relax."

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." I shake my head as my knee bounces up and down under the table.

"We needed to eat a proper meal instead of snacks. And we are heaps far away now, we have nothing to worry about." He smiles casually.

How can he be so chilled out at a time like this!?

"I'm finished eating," I drop the scraps of my burger on the plate in front of me, "You ready to go?"


"What do you mean, 'nah'?"

"Nah, I'm not ready to go."

"Why not?" I grow irritated.

He looks around the old fashioned diner. A jukebox quietly plays swing music in the back corner of the almost empty room.

"Not until you dance with me." Flynn looks at me and grins.

"What? We don't have time to play games, Flynn."

"We aren't playing games, it's dancing." He stands abruptly and walks around the table. He extends a hand politely for me to take. "Dance with me, Raven."

"No. Do you want to draw attention to yourself?!" I harshly whisper.

He looks around the room slowly.

"There is no one else here other than the staff." He shrugs while still holding out a hand for me.

He's right, the place is empty.

"We have no time for this. We have to get moving. We already lost enough road time last night."

"I'm not leaving until you dance with me." He insists and raises his eyebrows.

"Looks like I'm leaving here without you then." I growl and stand up, pushing past him.

In one smooth movement, Flynn grabs my hand behind me and spins me back into his arms, his other hand gripping around my waist.

"Let go of me." I command deeply.

"Fine." He smiles, and drops me back so I fall for a second, before he catches me with one arm in some sort of tango dance move.

I catch my breath again and look back into his emerald eyes. He smiles mischievously and pulls me up into his arms again.

"You're a good dancer." He winks, leading me in a dance towards the open area around the jukebox.

"You've had you're fun, now lets go." I stop letting him sway me to the music.

"A little longer, please?"

I roll my eyes as he dips me back again, my breath catching like the first time.

"You're so tense."

"I have to be. It's called being alert."

I mumble my words while looking into his warm eyes, the features on his face defined by the sun shining through the window.

"Relax," he leans to whisper softly in my ear, "No one's watching."

A smile forms on my lips and I move more comfortably to the music, in sync with Flynn.

He twirls and spins me around the floor as I giggle like a love-struck little girl. His firm grip on me gives me a
safe feeling that I don't get very often.

The song starts to fade out and Flynn leans back to look in my eyes.

"See? That wasn't so bad now was it?" He says quietly.

I smile. "You know what you're doing."

"Well being a prince and all, you kind of have to learn these 'posh' things."

"I'm surprised I stayed on my feet the whole time. I'm normally the most uncoordinated person ever."

"You did fine. You want to stay for another song?"

"We should go, actually." I look down to my feet and break out of Flynn's arms.

I grab my backpack from the floor next to our table and head out of the diner, Flynn close behind me.

We cross the car park to where my motorbike is waiting.

"So you're definitely against this whole car idea?" Flynn stands beside me.


"But we could get a ute or something and just tie your motorbike on the back."

"If I say I'll think about it, will you shut up?"

"Yeah, ok. But only if you promise to actually think about it. Just because I'm in love with you doesn't mean I'll let you trick me." He chuckles.

I freeze solid to the ground. My stomach flips like an acrobat and my heart beats like a drum.

Did anyone else just hear what he said? Or was that just me?


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