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During charms, Ron looked like he was trying to solve some mystery between Draco and I. Harry kept looking at me from behind his work. Once charms was over Harry, Ron , and Hermione grabbed me and drug me outside. "Ok. So we have something we want to ask you." Harry said. "We think Voldemort wants to kill you." "But why would Voldermort want to kill Bri?" Ron asked. "I don't know. Unless, you're related!" Hermione exclaimed. "I don't think I'm related to Harry, Hermione . I would have a scar from Voldermort trying to kill me." I said suddenly worried. "Bri, My parents are dead. But yours are alive. Maybe you could ask them if were related or something." I nodded. "Too bad were not in the same house, or we could talk in the common room. I think you're one of the only slytherin who hasn't been mean to me or called me a mudblood, '' Hermione said sadly. "I know your muggle born but I would never call you that or be mean to you Hermione." I said putting a hand on her shoulder, as she slumped in the grass. She turned around and gave me a hug. "You're a good friend." She whispered. "Bri!" Draco said. I turned around. "Come on we're going to be late for Defence against the dark arts. Pottah? What are you doing here? Oh it's Weasley and the mudblood." Draco said. "Draco! Be nice!" "Whatever come on let's go." We headed back to the castle. "What did they want?" "Yes!" "Yes what?" "I think I'm in love with you Draco. I would be stupid to say no. You sweet,nice,funny, handsome,smart and the thought of you with another girl makes me want to cry. Yes i'll be your girlfriend." He stood there with his jaw hanging open. He attacked me in a hug, picking me up and spinning me around. "Oh look my son found love." Lucius malfoy said. Draco put me down but put an arm around me. "Yes father I have." "And what's your name?" Lucius malfoy asked. "Briana Dewood, Sir." "Hmm." Lucius malfoy said, inspecting me. I was in my robes, and my hair was straight, and I was wearing neutral makeup, but I might as well have a third eye the way Mr. Malfoy was looking at me."What's that ring you have on there?" Mr. Malfoy said, pointing to my hand. "Oh it's a crescent moon and a star. It's a personal connection." I said. "And how old are you?" "Nearly 15 sir." I think Draco could tell I was getting uncomfortable. "Father did you need something?" Draco asked. "Yes I came to let you know that I will be at your quidditch match tomorrow." Draco gulped. "Well I better go, don't want you two to be late. Goodbye, Miss Briana." Once he was gone I could breathe again. "You ok?" Draco asked, looking concerned. "I will be. Come on, can't be late." We made it through the day, then came detention. "Welcome, children." Filch said, as Draco and I entered his office. Professor Snape was standing next to Filch. "You two will be spending time apart." Filch said. Draco reached for my hand. "Looks like he can't live without you Miss Dewood." Professor Snape said. "Draco you'll be with me, Briana, you'll be with Filch." We went our separate ways. "You're going to be cleaning Mrs. Norris's litter box, then refilling her food and water. Then, shining her trophies." What trophies do you give a cat? Once I was done, I headed back to the slytherin common room. I turned a corner and ran into Harry. I screamed. "Oh!" He said. "Sorry." I said. "Ya me too." "Hey um Ron and Hermione wanted me to tell you something." Harry said. "What is it?" He looked nervous. "Um.. has Draco..." "Has he what?" "Well has he ever..." "Don't know how to stay away do you pottah?" Draco said, standing down the hall. "What do you want Draco?" Harry asked annoyed. "I want to know why you're talking to my girlfriend." He walked to me and put an arm around me. "Um he was asking me to help him with his studies for potions." I said. I love Draco but they're my friends and I will do anything to keep them safe. Even if it means lying to him. "Girlfriend?" I nodded. "Well i'll see you in the great hall later then, Harry." He nodded. Ron and Hermione came around the corner. "Oh look it's the weasley, and the mudblood." Draco said smugly. I snapped. "Draco when I agreed to date you I didn't think you were this mean! Stop calling Hermione a mudblood! There's nothing wrong with being muggleborn, she's a witch it doesn't matter! Harry is half blood, and Ron is a pure blood! Just like you! There's nothing wrong with being a weasley! If you continue being mean to them I might break up with you! Got it?" I stormed off Not bothering to look back. Once I was out of their sight I broke into a run, crying as I ran. When I got back to my room, I screamed into my pillow. Luckily everyone was still at dinner. I cried for 15 minutes before there was a knock on the door. "GO AWAY! " I screamed. An owl flew through my window. It was Hedwig, Harry's owl. I gently untied the note from its leg.

Bri are you ok? Harry.

I got up and went to the common room. Draco was sitting on one of the couches looking sad, nervous, and confused. He was writing on something. My God looking at him made me want to cry. Did I break up with him? No. I love him, I just want him to be nicer to Ron, Harry and Hermione. "Draco I'm sorry. I didn't break up with you, I just want you to be nicer to them." I said as I sat next to him. He looked up at me. Was he crying? "That's a relief because I thought you were breaking up with me." He said. "I love you and don't want to lose you." "Aww Dracos in love!" Crabbe said. "So what if I am you lot?" "You gonna kiss her or something?" Goyle said, obviously wanting to see him do it. Draco bit his lip and looked into my eyes. I was still a little mad, and I think he could tell. "Go on Draco, kiss her, because we don't believe you're dating her." I didn't want to embarrass him.. I kissed him before anyone could say anything else. When I pulled away his hands were on my neck. We kissed again, this time more aggressive. I heard the click of a camera and cheers. When we pulled away again I could tell what he was thinking. But we couldn't. Not here anyway. I remembered I had somewhere to be. "I have to go." I whispered. I stood up and left. 

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