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I walked into my dorm. Briana was standing at her bed, a note in her hand. She looked up and saw me,and shoved the note in her pocket. "What was that?" I asked, putting my trunk on my bed. "Uh, nothing." She said, "So how was your holiday?" I asked. "Good." She said, unpacking quickly. Um, was she ok? I unpacked. "I'm going to the great hall. See you later." She said as she walked out the door. Annabelle walked in after she left. "Hey Fable." She said, I smiled. "Hey." Briana came back about an hour later. She went straight to bed.

I woke up the next morning. Briana was gone. Wow, she loves to sleep in. I walked to my trunk and got my clothes. I went to the showers and quickly got ready. I stepped out. I saw Briana looking at something on her arm. She pulled her robes on. One sleeve was rolled down. I tried to get a closer look, but fell flat on my face. Briana jumped, and pulled her sleeve over her arm, very quickly. "Ow." I said, rubbing my head. "You ok?" Briana asked, fixing her hair. "Ya." I said, getting up. She left. I put my clothes on and went to the great hall. Owls flew and dropped off our schedules.

Fable McKee House: Slytherin

1. Charms

2. Defense against the dark arts

3. Herbology


4. Free period

5. Potions


7. Care or magical creatures

It's a lot better than my last term. I only have 2 classes with Luna unfortunately. Briana sat down across from me. "Hey what's your schedule like?" I asked. "Um same as yours remember? We're in the same house." "Oh right." I said. Pansy spilt something and it got on all over Briana. She shot up and ran out of the room. She was acting really strange. I was gonna have to talk to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I looked over at the Gryffindor table. They were all there. I got up and walked over to them. "Hey guys." I said, sitting down. "Hey." They said. "Don't you agree that Bri is acting strange?" I asked. "Ya. She didn't say anything on the train back to Hogwarts." Ron said. "Did something happen during holiday?" I asked. "Well, we were both having these... visions." Harry said. "Then we had the christmas party, and Cedric took her outside to make it look like he was breaking up with her. Then he screamed for us. We all ran outside, and Briana had her wand pointed at Bellatrix." Hermione explained. "Then Briana lowered her wand and started to follow Bellatrix. Cedric tried to stop her but she stupefied him." Harry said. "Her eyes were glowing neon green, but her eye color is blue. Then she disappeared into the sky with Bellatrix, and came back about an hour later, acting very strange, and has been ever since." Ron said. I shook my head. "Have you tried to ask her why?" I asked. "She won't tell us." Harry said. "Hmmmm, Harry you said you guys were having visions right?" I asked. "Yeah." "Could you tell me what they were?" "Yes but not here" he said looking around. We went to the library and after making sure no one was there Harry started describing the visions.

"They were all pretty much the same. They started in some forest where you and Luna were chasing a unicorn-'' I gasped. "Then Luna fell back and the unicorn dissolved into thin air, you were looking around but then dementors grabbed you and took you to some hideout where Voldemort cut Luna and trapped y'all in a dungeon..." as he finished the memories came back to me "She's a death eater.." I whispered. "What!?" Harry asked. "I remember now Voltemort was gonna kill me and Luna, but Briana became a death eater so she could save us, then Bellatrix wiped me and Luna's memory and we woke up, and couldn't remember anything." I said. "This is really bad." Harry said. "But we can't confront her right now. She will deny it. We have to see her mark for proof." Hermione said. I nodded. "Blimy guys why would you accuse her of something like this!" Ron said. "We are not accusing her of anything" I snarled raising my voice a little bit "Even I am saying the only reason she became a death eater in the first place is to save me and Luna" "What could the amazing Fable not save herself?" Ron asked mockingly. I snapped my head in his direction and walked over to him. "I could punch you right now have you know, and I'm definitely not in a good mood, don't piss me off." I snarled inches from his face. The moved away "But to answer your question I didn't have my in hand it was in my boots also punching him in the face would have been no good, the smartest option was to wait." I said sitting back down. Ron looked like he was about to argue but after I passed him a glare he thought better of it. "But what if Fable's right." Hermione whispered. Ron lost it. He slammed his hand on the table and stormed off. I would have done the same if my friends were accusing the girl I've known my whole life as a death eater. "We need a plan to find out for sure." Harry said. "Well Bri always sleeps with her shirt off..." I said. "I'm just gonna pretend you didn't say that, can you look at her arm?" Harry asked. "I could try." I said.

After classes it was time to put my plan into action. I went to bed before Briana and pretended I was asleep. After a while I thought it was safe but then Briana got up and started getting dressed, I lay there still pretending to be asleep and when she left grabbed the invisibility cloak Harry had given me and followed her. I had no idea where she was going but it had to be something she didn't want me to know about. It was midnight. As much as that girl loves to sleep, this was strange. That's when I saw Professor Snape.

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