Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

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I step off of my motorcycle and lock it up before taking off my helmet

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I step off of my motorcycle and lock it up before taking off my helmet. I can't help but roll my eyes at the looks that I was given by the people around me. I could hear my mother's voice in my head saying how a motorcycle is not proper for a young lady. Good thing me and my father never listened to her before she left and took my golden child sister with her. Nancy smiles and waves to me, I smile back before joining her and Barb. "Gross. And I'm telling you this was just a one-time- two-time thing." Nancy says and I quirk up an eyebrow. "Who are we talking about?" I ask them as I open my locker beside Nancy's. "No one," Nancy says but Barb smirks as a note falls from Nancy's locker. "You were saying?" Barb asks and Nancy excuses herself. I turn to Barb sliding my book into my messenger bag. "Nancy is seeing Steve Harrington," she tells me and I feel my smile falter. "Oh cool," I say softly heading to class. I growled softly to myself. Nancy knew how I felt about Steve, but she went behind my back anyway. I take my seat in my art class and I pull my hair up into a ponytail before I start to work on my project that is due at the end of the semester. I take a deep breath and I push away all thoughts of Nancy and Steve.

I get back to my place and my heart sinks when I hear that the younger of the Byers boys are missing. I grab my jacket, knife, and baseball bat; I was about to walk out when my dad stopped me. He rolls over to me in his wheelchair, "Wait wait where are you going?" He asks and I sigh softly. "Johnathan's brother is missing. I'm going to go check on him and then meet up with the search party. Besides his brother and friends, I know him better than anyone." I tell him and he smiles looking at me proudly. "You're mother would have a fit." He tells me an I smirk. "What can I say, I'm a Lay Fey trailblazer," I tell him with a smile before I leave the house and I grab my dirtbike. I take off through the woods my eyes scanning through the woods between my house and the Byers' place I stop at Byers Castle and I take a peek inside. "Will?" I ask "Will, it's Nyx." I say softly as I walk inside further. I sigh as I look around and see that it is empty. I grab a piece of paper and a crayon leaving him a note in the castle to let him know that she is looking for him. After leaving the castle she stops at the Byers' house and knocks on the door. Joyce answers the door and she looks at me with teary eyes. "Oh, Nyx." She says pulling me into a tight hug. I hug her back gently and rub her back. "We'll find him, Joyce. I swear it." I tell her gently before giving Johnathan a hug as well. "I better go most of these people wouldn't know where to look for Will," I tell them before I squeeze their hands. "I'll come back in the morning after my shift for looking is over," I inform them and they nod. I nod back and jump on my bike taking off into the woods. The orange vest the police gave me flapped in the wind.

I rub my eyes as I walk into school the next day, Nancy and Barb wave me over to the small group they were with. I walk over and give them a small smile. "Are you alright, Nyx?" Steve asks as I join the group I meet his eyes and he looks concerned. I brush off the butterflies in my stomach. "Yeah, Hopper asked me to go along the search grid and the quarry with my dirtbike," I say shaking my head gently. "Why are you even bothering looking for that little freak he was probably killed by his freak of an older brother," Carol says pointing to Johnathan who was hanging up missing posters. I glare at her and slap her across the face. Everyone looks at me stunned. "What the hell La Fey?" Tommy asks pushing me and I push him back causing him to slam his back against the lockers. "If I ever hear you talk bad about them again, I will beat your sorry asses," I growl at the two of them before I push Carol out of my way as I walk over to Johnathan. "Hey Nyx," He says and I smile, "Hey Johnny. I'm gonna go back out after school. Alright, just keep your head up." I tell him in a soft voice. He nods and I smile before I head off to class.

The rest of the day goes by without much pause, when I get to English I quirk an eyebrow up in confusion seeing Steve sitting next to my seat at the table. I take the seat beside him. "Why are you sitting in Tyler's seat?" I ask him with a calm voice. "Because I felt the need to apologize for what happened in the hallway." He says and I turn to look at him fully. His eyes study me. "I also wanted to check on you. I've known you all my life, I've never seen you snap like that before." He tells me and I look down at my hands. He was right, I have never snapped like this before not even to my mom after she would shit on my dad. I am pulled from my thoughts by Steve grabbing my hands in one of his. "Hey you know you can talk to me, right?" He whispers and I nod my head gently. "I know Steve, I am just really worried about Will. Carol pushed me over the edge is all." I tell him and he nods. "Well do you want to come to a party at my place tonight after you do your perimeter check? It will be super chill and Tommy and Carol won't talk about Johnathan or Will." He tells me before giving me his signature puppy dog eyes. I smirk gently before nodding. "Okay as long as you swear they won't start shit," I tell him and he nods his head gently. "Of course." He tells me before the teacher walks in.

I pull up to Steve's house on the dirtbike before I park it and lock it up. I walk through the back door and smirk softly seeing the lot acting a fool. Steve turns around after shotgunning a beer can and smiles seeing me. "Wooo now it's a party!" He says walking over and hugging me gently. I laugh and I hold up the beer and tequila bottles I snagged. Tommy, Carol, and Nancy cheer along with Steve who picks me up and spins me around. "The queen of drinks!" Tommy says and I laugh after Steve sets me down. I hand a bottle to Carol who gives me a small smile. "I'm sorry about earlier." She tells me and I nod my head. "Me too," I say lightly before I take off my jacket and hang it over a chair. Barb heads inside after she cuts her hand, I take off my top shirt and take off my boots. "What are you doing Nyx?" Nancy asks and I smirk at her, "I'm going for a swim." I tell her before diving into the pool. I come back up for air after a minute and I push my hair back from my face. "Come on in!" I say softly Carol gets pushed in Tommy follows after her. Nancy gets pushed in by Steve before he jumps in. I laugh as we all swim around, after getting out my heart sinks as I watch Nancy head up to Steve's room. "I better go." I say heading to the door Steve stops and runs down after me before grabbing my wrist, "Wait wait, why are you leaving?" He asks and I smile shaking my head. "It doesn't matter go ahead and have fun with Nancy," I tell him softly before I disappear out the door.

Word Count: 1419

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