Chapter Ten: The Gate

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Eleven and Mike hug and I smile happily. "Why didn't you tell me, to let me know that you were okay?" Mike asks her as I tune into their conversation. "Because I wouldn't let her." My uncle tells him as he walks over to the three of us. He and Eleven both hug and Hopper brings Mike into another room to talk. Lucas and Dustin run up and hug her as I move to close the door. I rub my arms gently goosebumps appear across my skin. I look up and Joyce is taking Eleven back to see Will, I smile softly before taking a seat on the couch. After Elven and Joyce walk back out, we all gather around the table and try to figure out a plan on how to get Eleven and me possibly inside. Eleven looks at me. "You stay here. Keep friends safe," she tells me as everyone is running around to get Will set up. I nod my head gently, "Okay El but you stay safe too little sister." I whisper to her and she nods her head. We hug and she goes and talks to Mike after they leave Steve and I usher everyone inside.

I bite back a giggle as Steve holds a dead Demo-dog as Dustin cleans out the fridge. Steve gives me a look and I smile, "Pretty damn good babysitter." I tell him before walking into the other room. I walk in and Lucas and Max are helping clean up while Mike is pacing. "Again Mike?" I ask in a soft tone and he ignores me. "Mike would you please stop it already? You're just making it worse-" Lucas starts before he is cut off by Mike. "You weren't there, okay Lucas? That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs."

"Demo-dogs!" Dustin shouts from the kitchen causing me to roll my eyes. "The chief will take care of her," Lucas tells Mike. "Like she needs protection." Max whispers and I smile, "Dude, listen... if a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line... You execute it." Steve tells Mike as he wipes off his hands. Mike gives him a weird look, "Okay, first of all, this isn't a stupid sports game, and second we're not even in the game. We're benched." Mike says and Steve opens and closes his mouth like a fish. "My point is... Right. We're benched, so yeah. There's nothing we can do." Dustin looks up and looks at Lucas and Mike. "Well... that's not entirely true." He says everyone looks at him. "I mean... the Demo-dogs have a hive mind. They ran from the bus because they were called away-" Dustin starts as Max and Lucas share a look between each other picking up on Dustin's train of thought.

"So if we get their attention..."

"Maybe we can draw them away from the lab-"

"And clear a path to The Gate." Mike finishes causing Steve to look at them worried. "Yeah, and then we'll all die," Steve says to the party.

I was pulled from my thoughts while Steve argued with the kids by a growl of a car engine. Max runs over to the window her eyes growing wide, "It's my brother." She says Lucas looks at her with wide eyes. "What??" He asks her. Max backs away from the window and looks at Lucas with panicked eyes. "He can't know I'm here... he'll kill me... he'll kill us." She says Steve's eyes go to Lucas, and realizes the situation. He turns to me and holds my shoulders gently. "Keep them inside." He tells me softly and I nod my head. He leaves out the door and I watch from the peephole as Steve confronts Billy. They both look towards the house and I turn my head my own eyes widening. "Kids what the actual hell!" I growl at them and they duck down. I turn back around in time to see Billy shove Steve to the ground. He stomps on Steve's stomach I cover my mouth and step back as Billy walks towards the door. "Get behind me," I tell the kids, as we move back into the kitchen. My arms spread out protectively as the front door bursts open. Billy steps inside and his eyes meet mine, a surprised expression crosses his face before hardening again as his eyes land on Lucas who is standing in front of Max protectively. "Well, Well, Well... if it isn't Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise." Billy says as he starts to move towards us his eyes on Max. "I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max." He says to her, "Billy please lets you and I talk about this and we leave the kids alone." I say in a calm voice Billy looks at me dangerously, "No can do sweetheart." He tells me before backhanding me across the face with enough force to send me to the ground. "Nyx!" I hear the kids scream, "You know what happens when you disobey me... I break things." Billy says and he suddenly grabs Lucas and slams him into a shelf. "Billy Hargrove let him go!" I shout as I storm over to Billy and push him off of Lucas. Lucas runs over to the others and Billy grabs me by my throat. I try to scream at him but, I can't get enough air as he lifts me off of my feet I feel tears pricking my eyes. "You should have just gone on that date with me. Instead of being in love with that sorry ass Steve." Billy says and I glare at him before kicking him in the balls. Billy drops me and I fall to the floor and scramble away. The kids pull me away as Steve punches Billy and a fight breaks out between them. I shout for Steve and yell at Billy to let him go my throat burning from the grip Billy had on me before. I rub my neck gently with my cold hand as the fight finally ends when Max ends up stabbing Billy in the neck with the needle we used to knock out Will. I smile proudly as she stands up to Billy she steals his keys before running over to me. "Nyx are you alright?" she asks me worried and I nod my head. "I'll be alright Max, I'm glad you were finally able to stand up to him," I tell her and she smiles.

I sat in the back of the Camero holding an icepack to Steve's head when he suddenly starts to wake up. "Hey hey, stay still. It's gonna be okay." I whisper to him. "What... What's happening?" He asks, "Don't worry she's driven before." Dustin says before Max pipes up, "In a parking lot." Causing me to give them a look. Steve starts to freak out causing Max to freak out so I grab his face gently in my hands and bring him in close before kissing his lips gently. They were soft and slightly chapped, I couldn't think too much of the butterflies in my stomach feeling the gazes of everyone on me. I pull back gently and give him a shy smile, "Now Steve let's chill out so Max can drive." I tell him and he nods his head. I look up and everyone is staring at us. "Pay attention to the damn road!" I shout at them and they all look away. I turn away and look out the window wiping away a small tear that tracked down my face. We get out of the car and I was helping the kids gear up. I was about to as well when Steve stopped me, "Wait, Nyx." Steve says trying to stop me but I ignored him. "Please stop for a minute!" He shouts causing everyone to stop. If there was one person Steve didn't raise his voice to it was me. So it startled everyone, "Please Nyx, I want you to stay topside in case anything happens. You can keep the Demo-dogs away from the exit." He tells me and I quirk an eyebrow. "Then you stay topside and I'll go down with the kids," I tell him and he grabs my hands gently into his. "Please, just this once I am asking you to listen to me. I can't think straight with the idea of you in any possible danger." He tells me softly and I look up at him, "Okay Steve," I whisper and he pulls me into a hug. "We'll see you soon." He tells me before suiting up to follow the kids into the hole. I swallow and run over to him before he jumps in, "Please be careful Steve." I tell him softly and he nods his head before jumping down.

I see movement on the rope I look down and I see Max climbing up I stick out my hand and help her up. Then we both pull up Lucas, then Mike. I reach my hand down as I see Steve getting ready to swing his bat, "Steve! Dustin!" I shout with everyone else. I feel tears prick my eyes when I see the first wave of Demo-dogs. Then we notice they are running around them, "Eleven..." Mike whispers and I look towards the lab. We pull Dustin and finally Steve from the tunnels the Camero's headlights start to burn brighter along with the flashlights. Steve looks down at me and his eyes flash dangerously as he sees the bruising on my neck. His fingertips ghost over them and I flinch subconsciously, "Billy did this?" He asks me and I nod my head gently. He pulls me close and holds me there, the lights begin to dim and Steve and I look around at the kids before each other. "It's over... she did it," I whisper Steve smiles happily.

A month after we closed the gate, Hawkins Lab was closed down. I was standing in my room fiddling with the clasp of my necklace when Steve appears in my doorway. "Want help with that?" He asks me and I nod my head softly. He smiles and walks over to him, I hand him the ends and pull my hair to the side. "I think Nancy is happy that Barb is finally getting justice," Steve says softly to me. I shiver slightly as his fingers brush over the small scars from where Billy dug his nails into my neck. "I think we are all happy about that, also that the fact that it's over and we can have some peace," I tell him in a soft tone. He rubs my shoulder gently and rests his head on top of mine. "This is true." He whispers softly before looping my arm with his and walking me downstairs.

Word Count: 1807

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