1 Anyone using bad words unto my name or unto my vision or unto my works or unto my path will and can Only make them feel worse about themselves. 2 They won't or probably already don't look good and they lack longevity. 3 I and I know I have abundance and longevity, 4 I have success and I am flourishing with I vision and I path. 5 Faithful to I and I 6 Spread One love on One's name. Wait and see. Wait and see!
2:1 There is nothing new from man who didn't tap in with God. 2 You devolved yourself into idolatry, 3 Your not coming back lest you reinvented yourself 4 or Never if it's too late. 5 There's no glory in looking to your past self to the point it became over-indulging outside the present moment... 6 Give yourself to the present for there's no shame in it. Even if you weren't in accordance to feeding your soul, it's better than if you stayed stagnant in the sense of not knowing there's a whole lot you don't know. Knowing and not acting in accordance of the Know is worse than Never knowing at all. 7 Considering how little human potential is known to the modern ways of the world, to the understanding that We realistically know nothing and it's something bigger than life and of itself, thru Akashic inner-standing can you go within the soul and know this universe. 8 Change yourself. Not the ways of the world, 9 because nothing about the ways of the world has changed under the sun. 10 If one looks to the God part from within I 11 One re-creates I and I self as if I were already dead and Here present, 12 Speak life of compassion with I Heart, I Soul and mind 13 I let go of bad minded chatter and I be Here present to the Current moment and ride the Wave Here is fi surf 14 and one can and will Live in Heaven on Earth!
3:1 There are millions if not billions on Earth that are literally living in Hell. 2 Oftentimes, you create and re-create Hell within your own mind and destructive tendencies. 3 Tragically, many won't even know they're already living in Hell. 4 The good news is that one can escape the Hell that is lived out (narrative by day and by night). However, In the powers of one's own mind and enough faith and enough practice 5 You can even heal yourself. The Soul knows what to do but the chatter mind is divisive advocating and having you in the negligence of soul(s). 6 Self Discipline is essential. Most of the ways of the world can't know what's best and they still have you convinced that is the case. 7 They spend more money on advertising than to help out their loved ones. 8 Anything one entertains, read, listen to and watch is of what can be considered food. 9 Shall the truth of life and the right fi live be of bliss to the very end. Strength and bliss and love comes with enough Faith, enough practice, thanks and gratitude and belief. Do you have belief in yourself and of the above as it is below, one can attain Heaven on Earth. 10 Knowing I and I self is really important and when your able to look into the mirror, I and I know what work of what's already done then I only utilize of what is useful to work and I create my own and create I Heaven on I Earth and decide my truth. Out of negatives I turned into positives, out of self destructive tendencies, I created compassion towards others as unto myself. 11 The herbs are of the revealing of I and I. The healing of all souls of the planet. Eat of the fruits of Life. Do you not see you already have all foods necessary by means of Mother nature to heal sickness. Popular opinion is but a worldly dream or lack of dream and it contains no individuality and it lacks of substance, of the quality of a visionary. I therefore, applaud one who goes against the grain or breaks cultural norms because out of the old ways that are to be challenged births at least the hope of the rise of new ways capable for encouraging what is only tapped into by connection of that God part.
12 Yin and Yang is a reality in the roles (rules) of energy. There is a Feminine and there is a Masculine aspect to the nature of this universe. Initiators and Nurturers. Men and Women. People die every night and every day and many more will have got to go. Many people are born all the days and nights of every season, hot and cold, rain and shine. Many souls will have to come back incarnate and in order to learn the way fi living life and become the light one has to amount to be. Souls aren't born and souls don't die. This time is in this universe. 13 Contemplate this truth and One may come to peace with being Here present. Just like there's the laws of duality, so is there the laws of oneness. Like there's Darkness because there is Light. 14 Light is born of what is once darkness. When there is a void, it is best to create and evolute. Out of destruction forms Creation... 15 Can't have Life without death. Only thru Woman can a Man Live!
Blunt Towers (First Book Of The Most High Vibe)
SpiritualFirst book of The Most High Vibe, Blunt Towers contains three short chapters. For lack of better way to word it , this book begins with a curse of righteousness in banishing the bad words of the mouths fed bad food on speaking poorly upon whom is to...