day 6

257 13 11

A few hours had passed and it was now currently morning, you slowly fluttered your eyes open you tried to move but couldn't something heavy was on you.

So you looked down and saw it was moe he had his arms wrapped around your torso and his face was buried in your shirt, you couldn't move the lower half of you're body but you could move you're arms around.

Since you could move you're hands you decide to let moe sleep for a bit longer, so you laid there for a bit playing with his hair you thought about how peaceful he looked as he was sleeping.

After a while of letting moe sleep for a bit you slowly moved his arms off of you, after that you were actually able to get him off of you.

Then you headed upstairs walking into you're bedroom grabbing you're work clothes as you headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower, after you took you're shower You quickly got changed and proceeded to head downstairs.

When you finally got downstairs you gently nudged moe telling him we got work and you gotta run an aren real quick and you'll see him at the bar, moe groaned as he said "Uhgh, alright.", you grabbed you're house keys and left the house closing the door behind you.

The you started to walk down the sidewalk towards the repo depot where Moe's floor is, when you finally got there you walked through the door the man behind the counter said "welcome to repo depot what can I do for you." You then said "yeah I'd like to pay for moe szyslaks floor payment and have the floor back." The man then said "only people who are moe szyslaks family members or significant other can pay for his stuff if wanted to, so what are you to moe?" You sighed and went for the only available option you said "I'm his significant other, y/n l/n" Which was a lie since it was you're only option.

The man then wrote you're name down and said "alright the payment is $40.00." While looking at you, reaching into you're pocket you pulled out 40 dollars and handed it to the man.

The man then called for a few men who came in a pulled the floor into a truck and drove down to Moe's bar, putting the floor back to the way it was.

You follow them to make sure they did it right once you arrived you watched them place the floor back in, after that they left which gave you time to set everything up in Moe's bar for a while.

Meanwhile with moe.

Moe rolled off the couch heading towards the bathroom, once he entered the bathroom he quickly changed into his work outfit (image down below)

Moe rolled off the couch heading towards the bathroom, once he entered the bathroom he quickly changed into his work outfit (image down below)

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After he got done changing he bolted out the front door, he began to walk towards the bar which he saw was now opened and filled with people.

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