Panic in the Circuitry

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A loud bang and suddenly, Alicia was upright, panting and looking around with panic. It was dark; much darker than she remembered it being before falling asleep. She looked around and saw nothing but the darkened silhouettes of the play structures and a light illuminating the giant exit door of the daycare.

There was no one around. 

No Moon. 

No Sun. 

Not even any of the other children. She was alone. Did she oversleep? Where was Moon? He told her he’d be right here if she needed him. Well now was a good time to need him. She was so scared. She turned one way and another, desperately feeling for the moon plush she carried with her as the room was too dark to really see. Finally finding it and sighing with relief, she picked it up, squeezed it tight to her chest and stood, going to find where everyone had gone.

Unable to call out, she just looked in the obvious spots they’d most likely be in. The play structures. The security desk. She looked everywhere except the balcony where the two jesters typically reside in, if not out and about.

There was no one.

She came to the edge of the ball pit and leaned in, tempted to enter as maybe they were hiding inside. She took one small step forward before stopping. The plastic balls began to shake as a figure rose suddenly from it. She looked up to see glowing red eyes and almost relaxed, thinking it was the familiar gaze of Moon. But something about those eyes didn’t feel familiar. On closer inspection, there was a glint of something metallic in the hand of this figure hiding in the shadows.

It couldn’t be who she thought it was….right? He couldn’t have found her already, could he?

Frozen in fear, tears streamed down her cheeks as she just stared, horrified. When the figure seemed to be getting close to her, she snapped from her frozen state. Tripping over her feet in an attempt to escape, she booked it for the door. She put all her might on pushing that door, shoving and throwing her body at it until it finally budged. It swung open and she tumbled to the other side. She wasted no time getting up and running into the darkness, with the figure still pursuing her. They didn’t seem to move very fast to be right on her tail, walking with a sluggish stride. But it seemed to be on purpose. Like there was no point in running after her. They’d still find her, no matter where she went.

As she ran, the dimly illuminated corridors and hallways blurred together; the complex stairways began to switch around in her mind. Up. Down. What floor was she on now? She couldn't remember. In her panic, she'd gotten completely lost and turned around. After swallowing her whole, the labyrinth of the Pizzaplex appeared to reach a dead end.

She looked around for any other way of escape. But it was too late. The figure was upon her. She cried a hushed plea for her life, losing her footing and falling to the floor. The figure was not phased by her call to be spared and raised the weapon they carried with them. Before another second passed, they brought it down, a silent scream leaving her as she awaited her demise.

And then…



The feeling that someone was shaking her. 

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