𝐨𝐧𝐞. coming out of my cage

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     "YEAH—I'M NOT giving my body up for drugs today, Tara

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"YEAH—I'M NOT giving my body up for drugs today, Tara. No fucking thanks," a nineteen-year-old Rosalyn Fairchild snarled, with her eyes glued to the laptop on her lap.

In present time, Rose was currently sitting on her bed editing a video of hers. This one being unique as it was the first of a new series she thought of recently. YouTube had been recommending her scary content for weeks now, so Rose thought watching those videos every Thursday—especially at the dead of night, was a marvelous idea.

Which yes, she was already regretting, as she was still freaked out about some of the more graphic ones she watched last night. Feeling random chills shoot down her spine at the reminder of them.

Meanwhile, at the foot of her bedroom door, stood Tara herself, who wasn't backing down from this conversation just yet. "You're going to a party—not a rave," Tara pressed.

"Same thing," Rose shrugged.

"It really isn't," Tara shook her head. "But please! Vivian is visiting from San Francisco and I know you miss her."

Vivian was one of Rose's YouTube friends she made when she first got popular. The girl actually was born in L.A but decided months ago to move to San Fran for reasons that neither Rose or her views knew about. However, she was back in the City of Angels for the weekend to visit family, when she caught wind of this party and texted Tara about it.

"Just come with me and her for once, you anti-social potato," Tara pleaded once more.

The Fairchild scoffed. "Okay, for the record, I'm a couch potato, not an anti-social one," driving Tara to shake her head again. "Plus, you've known me for like what? 10-11 years now. You know I'm not, and will never be, a party girl," Rose added, peering back to her laptop screen afterward.

That was the last straw for Tara, as she stomped towards Rose's bed, abruptly seizing away the laptop from her lap.

"Hey!" Rose yelped out, trying to snatch back her laptop from Tara. "What the heck is your problem?"

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