A Diamond In The Rough(Emerald x male reader)

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A/n: No evil Salem, bad guys are just normal thieves, and grims are still a thing. Also, sorry for the delay, I've been having family issues so I've been out of the house a lot recently. I wrote an extra long chapter with more than 9,000 words as an apology because of it and stayed up all night and day writing this. Anyways, sorry for the delay and enjoy.

3rd pov 

It was late at night, a young girl with what seemed to be a traders cart and horse were seen passing by the scene. Suddenly they stop and stare happily towards the readers.

Admin:"ah, why hello my lover compadres, mis amigos, welcome back for the first time to *pulls a string and a banner that reads "the shop" falls* the shop"

…lets, move away from he-

Admin:*as the scene moves away she moves it back*waaaiiit, wait, wait, I have good things to sell, I promise"

How did you-

Admin:"im you, idiot, I can do whatever I want"

Uuuuhhh, I think this breaks the fourth wall.

Admin:"well I don't give a shit about your feelings so fuck you"

…you know you just insulted yourself right?

Admin:"of course i did, i wrote it, now, how about, um. *grabs a familiar carpet*This beauty saves me $20 on gas each week, mostly because I don't drive and refuse to learn how to…*the scene starts to pan away but is pulled back once again*ok, ok, I get it"

She huffs before looking through her cart and pulling out a familiar lamp and holding it up for us to see.

Admin:"this is what you really care about, this lamp is what you're here for, but has anyone told you the story behind it? Well, if not, let me tell you"

Wait, I thought narrating was my job?

Admin:"we are literally the same person, shut up you dumb fuck"

Damn, fine, fuck you too.

Admin:*clears her throat as the scene changes to a warehouse vale*"like I was saying, it all starts, with a dark night, and people with dark minds"

The scene zooms into the warehouse to show two figures gaming on a stolen couch in front of a stolen TV.

Emerald:"i'm gonna win this one"

Mercury:"no your not"

Emerald:"yes I am"

Just then Emerald kills Mercury's character as Cinder, Roman, and Neo walk in, making mercury and emerald turn their attention to them.

Emerald:"hey guys, welcome back"

Roman:*sarcastically*"yeah, thanks for the help by the way"

Mercury:*smirks*"you're welcome"

Cinder:"hush children, take a note from neos book"

Neo crosses her arms and gives Cinder a "really" look, she just shrugs and faces Emerald.

Cinder:"Emerald, I need to speak to you, alone"

Emerald:"oh, yeah, sure"

Emerald gets up and hands her controller to Neo before following Cinder to a more quiet area.

Emerald:"so what's up cinder"

Cinder:"I need you to steal something for me"

Emerald:"oh, is that all, then yeah, I could totally do it, I do it all the time"

RWBY one shots x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now