A Father In Need(coco x male reader)

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Your pov 


Me:*walking into his room*" I'm coming, son, *picks him up from his crib*its ok, it's ok, your ok"

My name is y/n l/n, I'm a 27 year old single dad, my wife left me after giving birth to our now 1 year old son. I don't know why she left, she did it at the dead of night, without leaving so much as a note, but I've moved on from that, for our- my son.

Me:*as he calms down*"there we go, who’s my strong little man"

He giggles and reaches up for me, I smile and hold him closer to me, just then I hear the doorbell ring and take s/n to go see them. I already knew who it was since they come here every day around this time.

Me:*opening the door*"Coco, you're early today"

Coco:"what can I say, *in a slight baby voice while going to play with s/n feet, making him giggle*I was just too excited to see my favorite little guy"

Coco has been my best friend since Beacon, after the fall we went to shade and finished our education there. However, we stayed connected after graduation and when my wife left, she was the first to step in for me. While I go to work, she watches s/n, and then when I get back, I cook them dinner before she goes to her night job. I am extremely lucky that she has a night job, I prefer to stay with s/n at night to keep an eye on him.

Me:*as I hand her s/n and let her in*"You know, I really appreciate you doing this, but you don't have to. I mean you do this for free, plus you have a night job, do you ever sleep"

Coco:"of course I do, my night job is not all night, its from 8-12, plus you start work at 9, so even if I did work all night, I'd still get at least 3 hours of sleep each day"

Me:"that's not healthy in the least"

Coco:"it's fine, plus s/n is so quiet, most times I can just nap while he's playing in his crib"

Me:"...do you do that"

Coco:"no, but i could, but that's not the point, the point is that it's almost 9 and you're still here"

Me:"oh shoot really"

I looked at a nearby clock to see I was indeed running late.

Me:"oh oum, gah, I really gotta go, you're a lifesaver, Coco, i'll see you when I see ya *kisses s/n head*you too little man *to coco* thank you again"

Coco:"just get going, don't want to be late now do we"


I quickly ran out, grabbing my coat on the way before heading off to work.

Coco's pov

Me:*sigh*"alright, *to s/n* guess it's just you and me now, huh little guy"

He raises his hand and lets out a happy baby noise as I smiled at him and started walking further into the house. S/n was just like his father in every way, looks, energy, and recklessness, which says a lot for y/n seeing as he's a grown man and s/n is a baby.

Me:*sitting down on the couch with s/n on my lap*"ok now s/n, let's see what cartoons are on today"

He claps as I skim through the channels until I find his favorite one and let him watch it while I relax and watch him. I've been friends with y/n since our Beacon days, but he was always someplace else, despite hanging out with me and my team most of the time. However I admired him for that, I always liked how he was able to come up with ideas at the flick of the wrist.

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