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Round 2: Yellow Belt. 500 words.

"I will kill him. I will rip his throat to shreds and let him drown in his own blood before I cut open his chest and set fire to that black heart of his!" Ori hissed, his eyes small with hate and his fist clenched around a long knife, which was stuck in the dark kitchen table.

Mac was glad, it wasn't his own kitchen table. Otherwise, he would have been furious.

"Dude, that sounds a little macabre. But I'll hold him down for you," Mac said as a matter of fact. He sat opposite Ori, supposedly very calm at first sight. Only those who knew him well, and sadly Ori did know him very well, saw how his eyebrows were scrunched together and a small wrinkle next to the left corner of his mouth had appeared. It was never a good sign.

Ori stood up, rising up and up, till his head nearly hit the ceiling. His muscular arms ripped the knife out of the table without any struggle. Ori was a sight to see. He was enormous, muscular, with dark black hair but snow-white skin. His face never showed a smile, even when he wasn't angry (which admittedly didn't happen very often).

"Let us go, Macklemore, let us fight for the honor of our friend. How dare this lousy loser of a man break Carolina's heart. He will dearly pay for it."

Mac, short, with long blond hair and a rather big smile constantly stuck on his face (today was a big exception), stood too.

"Don't call me that, dude. I'm Mac. Common, we've been fighting each other for nearly two hundred years now. You know I don't like this name."

Ori sent him a dark look. "Macklemore. I don't give a motherducking duck."

"Motherducking duck? Are you kidding me?"

"Carolina," Ori said as if that explained everything.

"Oh," Mac said, with an understanding nod, "she hates swearing."

"No, she's not fond of it. Now let us go fight in her honor, little enemy of mine, for our friendship with Carolina is more important than any quarrel we have with each other. We can go back to hating one another tomorrow. Let's go kill this Bastardo."

"Your Italian pronunciation will not help you from Carolina's wrath," Mac answered, with a small grin on his face.

Ori huffed. "She will not care, once that heartbreaker of hers is dead. Short shall all the lives of Carolina's enemies be. For they shall face the joined force of the villain and hero of Huntersville."

"You and me, Ori. You and me. Let's go kill this guy. And I call dips on visiting Carolina tonight. She was my friend first."

Ori rolled his eyes. "Aye. You and me. You can see her first, but tomorrow, I take her out for lunch. And the day after, we shall fight each other again, as we have always."

"Sure dude, let's go!" Mac grinned.

I nearly forgot to write this. Not sure what it is. But I really need sleep now. Goodnight.

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