The Black Sudan

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Sawyer's POV:

I woke up with Eleanor lying on my chest, his lips slightly parted as she was breathing lightly. Sometime last night we must have fallen asleep; I have no idea how we fit in this tiny twin bed. I guess Anna never came home last night since her bed was empty. I snaked my arm around Eleanor's waist, pulling her closer to me. Her hair was in her natural waves and it cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She looked beautiful. She stirred and yawned before looking at me.

"Good morning." She said her voice thick with sleep.

"Good morning gorgeous." I answered her lightly kissing her forehead. She blushed and sat up.

"No! I was comfy..." I pouted.

"I know..." She answered sadly. "But I need to brush my teeth and get ready for school! I'm pretty sure I've already missed my first two classes." She said.

"Screw classes let's ditch." I said to her pulling her back to me.

She giggled. "I wish! Unfortunately this isn't high school anymore." She answered jokingly. "But hey... Last night meant so much to me okay? I don't want you to think that I'm just rushing out and leaving you or something..." She said nervously.

"No of course not. I understand how much you need to get to your classes especially since your paying for them, and I completely get that." I answered her. I could tell how much me telling her about my past meant to her; I could tell because I felt the same way when she told me her past. It was this I liked it.

Eleanor changed into a new pair of clothes and pulled her hair into a bun.

"Okay babe I have to go." I told her. I needed to go back to my dorm and take a shower, and make it back in time for my next class. If I left now I would be able to make it to all of my classes that are normally after my lunch.

"Ok bye!" Eleanor answered giving me a small peck on the lips. "We will meet tomorrow for lunch yeah?" She said.

"Yep. Okay bye love you!" I said.

"Love you too!" She yelled from her bathroom.

It felt so odd saying that, but at the same time it felt so... so right. I had never met anyone like Eleanor, she was so caring and so loving considering her terrible past.

I drove back to my dorm and unlocked the door only to find a trashed room complete with a half eaten pizza and a passed out Clint on his bed. The room reeked, and it looked like there was some random girls underwear on the floor.

"UGH CLINT!" I yelled at him and woke him up. I tiptoed over the underwear and grabbed my clothes from my dresser before running to my bathroom. Luckily the bathroom didn't smell to bad and was relatively clean. Outside of the door I heard Clint groan before rolling over and going back to sleep.

I took a shower and changed before heading to my class. I barely made it on time and was greeted with dirty glances as I sprinted in at the last second. The rest of my classes went by per usual and before I knew it I was heading home. I was starving; I hadn't had a real meal in at least three days.

On my way home I stopped to get some Taco Bell and when I left a black Sudan started to follow me. At first I thought we just lived close to each other or that we were going the same way. But after a while I took some really off-road turns and even turned completely around and the car still followed me. I began to panic. I immediately called Eleanor.

"Hey!" She said picking up on the second ring.

"Hey..." I said nervously.

"What's wrong?" She answered, her tone and mood immediately switching when she heard I was in danger.

"Well there's this car following me.... It's really scaring me..."

"Call the police Sawyer." She answered sternly.

"No... I can't because of my past. They'll see that I was called in for murder and they won't believe me or they will just get suspicious." After a pause she answered.

"How far away from your dorm are you?"

"About 5 minutes."

"Okay well hurry home and rush inside. They'll be enough people at the dorm that no one will hurt you because of all of the people."

"Okay." I said. I kept Eleanor on the phone just in case. With the car still following me I pulled up to my dorm. I parked and without looking back sprinted into the building.

The building was oddly quiet and I began to get more panicked. Without anyone around I was in more danger of these.... these people, whoever they are, to hurt me. I heard the front door of the building open and close and I sprinted even faster
to my dorm room. I fumbled with my key nervously before opening my door and slamming it shut behind me. I heard a muffled 'hello' from my backpack and remembered that I had never dropped my call with Ellie.

"Oh hey Ellie... Sorry I forgot to end the call."

"Oh thank God your okay!" She said sounding visibly relieved.

"Yeah I'm okay. I'm pretty sure they followed me in but I locked my door and pulled a couple chairs in front of it."

"Ok... Is your roommate there?" She said sounding a little stressed.

"No that's what's making me so suspicious; I think I'm just being cautious."

"Ok well I need to do my homework but call me if ANYTHING else happens that's suspicious ok?"

"Okay." I answered her.



"Okay I love you stay safe!"

"Will do. Love you too!" I said and ended the call. Right after I ended it the door cracked and slammed open.


who do yall think is following Sawyer?!

anyway follow comment like vote and keep reading because I LOVE YALL

pun of the day:
my friends bakery burned down last night. now his business is toast.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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