The Party

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Sawyer's POV:

"Met any hot chicks yet?" My roommate, Clint, said.

"I actually have a girlfriend." I answered him.

"Dude you know those long distance things never last..." He said to me.

"She's actually a student here. I met her a week ago and she's really nice." I said back.

"Boo your no fun! College is for sorority girls and parties!"

"Nah man sleeping with seven girls a week is not fun it's pathetic." Clint looked taken back by my semi-harsh comment. "If your looking for something more serious, my girlfriend has a really nice roommate who I think would be perfect for you."

"I'll think about it.." He said.

Clint came the day before school started, and has been out partying everyday this week. Meanwhile, Ellie and I have eaten lunch together practically everyday this week. We both agreed that going out to lunch is way too expensive, so both starting packing lunches and eating outside. Thankfully the weather has been really nice this entire week, and we have been able to eat outside in the sun. It was Friday, so Ellie and I were going to hang out today.

"Hey where to you want to go tonight?" she texted me.

"Honestly I don't care. Heard that one of the sororities is having a party... if you don't like parties that's ok but it's something to do..." I answered her. I didn't want her to think that I was some crazy partier but it seemed better than just sitting at home.

"No that sounds fun! What time?" She answered.

"Ok! I'll pick you up at 6. Is that okay?" I replied.

"Sure that's fine! See ya then :)".


Eleanor's POV:
Anna helped me get ready for the party; I invited her to go but she said she already had plans.

I was wearing a coral dress with spaghetti straps that cinched at the waist and flared out at the bottom, and I paired it with black wedges. Anna said I should wear my hair down, so I straitened it and pulled half of it up so it was out of my face. I put on very light makeup; I wasn't in the mood to try that much on my make up and it was almost time to go. I grabbed my black purse just as Sawyer knocked on the door.

"Oh my gosh. You look so gorgeous!" He said to me kissing me on the cheek. Even in heels he was still taller than me.

"UGH I WANT YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Anna said from her bed.

I blushed. "You sure you don't want to go Anna?"

"Yeah I'd just be third wheeling. Besides I have plans remember?" Anna said.

"Plans with Netflix?" I asked her condescendingly.

"Plans with Netflix count as plans don't they?" Anna said.

"Sure they do Anna. Just for you they count as plans." I said to her laughing. "Bye!" I said.

"Bye! Don't come home all drunk and nasty because I'm making you sleep outside if you do!"

"Got it." I said to her and closed the door.

"Ready?" Sawyer said.

"Yep. Who's party is it again?"

"I don't know... I think like some fraternity or sorority I can't remember." He said.

We got in the car and drove to the house that the invitation told us to go. The house looked already very full with very drunk people, and people with wafting outside to smoke whatever crack they were on. When we got out of the car Sawyer looked around at the people and immediately put his arm around me protectively. I tried to hide my smile at how good it felt to have someone care about me that way.

"Let's stay together ok? I have a bad feeling about this party."

"Me too." I said, but we kept walking because we had nothing better to do.

The front door was wide open and the house was shaking with how loud the music was. I found some kids I knew from my class and I walked over to them. I introduced Sawyer to them and we all started talking. Sawyer and I always kept close to each other though. Someone offered me a drink and I smelled a whiff of it and immediately put it back down. It smelled like pure alcohol and I was not about to wake up with a hangover tomorrow. Sawyer and I both agreed not to drink, because the last thing we wanted was to go to jail for drinking underage. We explored the party for a while, but it was getting late and we both were bored.

"Hey you want to leave? This party really isn't that fun." Sawyer said to me.

"Yeah it really isn't. Just let me use the bathroom and I'll meet you at the car." I told him. Sawyer look nervous at the thought of leaving me alone, but I assured him I would text him if anything was wrong.

I walked upstairs and found a bathroom. I had finished and was washing my hands and was about to leave when I smelled smoke. I ran down the stairs to find that a fire had started close to the front door. I didn't know how or who started it, but I did know there was no way I was going down the stairs. I ran back up and locked my self in the farthest room from the stairs and stuffed the cracks of the door with towels. I heard muffled screams in the distance, but I didn't hear sirens. I picked up my phone and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" They lady said in a calm voice.

"I-I was a-at a party and a-a fire started." I stopped to cough. Smoke was filling the room fast, the towels were not doing a good job of keeping the smoke out. "I think I'm at alpha zee delta sorority..... I'm trapped in a room.... And I don't think I can get out."

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