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"When do you get off work?" Nancy asked breathlessly when they pulled apart, lips swollen from their intense kiss.

Robin gazed at her intently, unable to help herself. Nancy was truly the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen.

"In about thirty minutes. Why?"

Nancy stood on her tiptoes to peck the other girl's lips. "Let's go somewhere. Just me and you."

Robin couldn't say no to that. With a quick nod she dashed inside Scoops Ahoy only to stumble back when catching Steve watching her with an unreadable expression.

Suddenly her heart dropped to her stomach. She knew just by looking at him that he'd seen everything.

"Steve, I can— "

Steve cut her off. "Does she make you happy?"

Robin was taken-aback by his question, but soon responded with a shy nod. "Yeah, she does."

He smiled at her, but it was pained. "Then I'm happy for you."

Guilt crawled up her throat and she felt it on her tongue. "Steve, I didn't know this was going to happen. I really didn't. She just— she's— "

"The perfect girl for you," Steve finished for her, nodding in understanding. "I know, Buckley. And I don't blame you. I'm not mad. All I've ever wanted is for you to find that perfect someone for you, and if Nancy's the one, then cool."

Robin exhaled shakily. "Fuck, Steve. Why do you have to be such a good person?"

A smile reached Steve's lips and it even traveled to his eyes this time. "I learned it from the best person I know."

( . . . )

After clocking out and leaving the shop, Robin found Nancy sitting in the driver's seat of her car. The taller girl climbed in, still thinking about the conversation she had with Steve, and apparently that was evident in her expression because Nancy asked, "what's wrong?"

"Steve saw us kissing," Robin answered, feeling guilty but not as much as she did before.

"Oh no. What did he say?"

"He said he's happy for me," Robin sighed. "And that all he's ever wanted is for me to find the perfect person for myself. I hate that he's such a good person."

Nancy smiled solemnly and rested her hand on Robin's thigh. "Don't blame yourself, Rob. Steve is a good person and that's why he'll find someone in no time. We can't control our feelings."

"Yeah, you're right." She turned her head to smile at the smaller girl, abruptly leaning over the console to kiss her. When she pulled back, she questioned, "so where are you taking me, Wheeler?"

"It's a surprise," Nancy hummed, shoving the key into the ignition and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Did you plan this, Wheeler?"

Nancy smirked. "Maybe."

"How thoughtful of you," Robin teased. Both girls kept smiles plastered on their faces all the way to their destination, happy that the other was right beside them.

( . . . )

"Oh my god, this place is beautiful."

Robin gawked at the meadow they were in, different types of flowers growing all around her. She imagined this was what heaven looked like, with all the different colors surrounding her and catching her attention.

"I know," Nancy sighed in contentment, sitting down on the grass while pulling Robin down to sit with her. "One of my old boyfriends took me here during a date and I immediately fell in love with the place."

Robin decided not to focus on the mention of an old boyfriend of hers because that no longer mattered. He wasn't with her today, she was, and it made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"You're important to me, Robin," Nancy said quietly, resting her head on Robin's shoulder comfortably. "You make me happy."

Robin smiled at the girl's confession and she wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in closer. "You make me happy too, Nance."

Nancy drew invisible shapes on Robin's hand, both just enjoying each other's company in silence. Robin gazed at the flowers before glancing at the girl beside her, deciding that no flower in the world was a pretty as her.

She never expected to fall in love with Nancy Wheeler. She hadn't even known what love felt like until she came along. She was so sure that it didn't exist, or that it would never happen to her, but one day Nancy walked into her life and she realized what love truly was.

It was naps together and dancing in the rain. It was daydreams about her and wondering when she was going to walk into the room. It was thinking about her smile nonstop and wishing to know what it felt like to kiss her. Love was what she felt when she was with Nancy, and it was the greatest feeling of all time.

"Robin?" Nancy asked in her ear, pulling Robin out of her thoughts.


"What're you thinking about?"

"You," Robin said cheekily, making Nancy smile and roll her eyes. "Us. What it feels like to love someone."

That's when Nancy lifted her head up to look at her. "You're in love?"

"I'm convinced I am, yeah," Robin answered honestly. "I've never felt this way before. I've liked people, but I've never...never fell this hard for them, y'know?"

"Wow," Nancy giggled. "Never knew Robin Buckley was such a romantic."

Robin rolled her eyes playfully and nudged the girl in her side. "Shut up."

"It's okay," Nancy said. "I think it's cute."

"I think you're cute," Robin grinned, and Nancy just shut her up with a kiss.

It was bliss, being with Nancy. She still had a lot to learn about love, but this...this was a start.

After they pulled away from each other, Robin murmured, "you made me understand how it feels to be in love, Nancy Wheeler. Thank you for that."

Nancy just pulled her in for another kiss, and Robin felt happier than she'd ever felt in a long time.


a/n - anddd that's the end!! i really appreciate all of you that took the time to read this book. i know it's short but i didn't plan for it to be long lol. just a short n sweet fic for my babies <3

anyway, i hope u all enjoyed robin & nancy's love story. comment ur thoughts if u have any, i love u <3

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