Chapter 10

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After an awkwardly long silence, I slowly lift my head, taking a peek at where Obito had been standing before.

"Ohmyffff-" I spit out, startled to find the Uchiha directly in front of me. Like, dude. Personal space please.

But why is he so close? Is he about to kill me? My thoughts go back into overdrive, my adrenaline kicking up for the bazillionth time in far too few minutes (Or hours? Days? Who knows -_-).

His soulless glare pierced me to the core, and I couldn't read him at all. For all I knew, he could be thinking of exactly how to kill me in some extremely gruesome manner, or talking to some figment of an imaginary Rin trying to decide what to do with me. Hell, maybe he just really needed to take a dump and was temporarily rendered incapacitated.

Before my thoughts get any weirder in their theories, the guy finally speaks after what feels like forever.

"Who... are you?" 

Well. That was somewhat unexpected. 

"My name is Rin. I'm from..." 

Great. What the fuck am I supposed to say? The future? Another dimension? Both? Dammit. He didn't even ask, and now he's gonna wanna know. Facepalm. 


"I'm not a dog, dammi- shit!" 

Me and my fucking mouth. I swear- 

I cower a bit as Obito increases his intimidation factor tenfold, not liking my mouthing off. His gaze promises death shortly if I don't say exactly what he wants to hear. 

His voice a dark rumble, he all but growls, "I'm not going to fucking repeat myself..."

"I... am not from around here." I continue quickly as I get the feeling he's about to lose it. "I'm from another world. I don't know where, how, or why, but here I am... plzdonthurtme." I trail off at the end, almost whispering as I quickly spit my words out. 

Obito stays silent for several moments, seemingly confused or possibly thinking of the possibility that I'm not lying. His face makes several different faces as he stands still, ranging from thoughtful, to skeptical, to downright baffled. It's quite amusing to see so many expressions from the villain. 

"Why-" he stops to clear his throat- "Why would you say you are proud of me? Only someone who knows what I've done could begin to say something like that, and no sane person would praise me for that. Unless..." He looks at me with a glint in his eye. "You were lying when you said that." 

I stay calm, trying my best to keep my voice even. "Did you consider that maybe I'm not sane?" I add a smile for good measure, even if it probably means that the stress is just getting to me. 

The Uchiha cocks his head at me, appraising me. I instinctively mirror him, tilting my head and watching his eyes for his reaction. 

"Yes, I did. But anyone can claim to be insane if they have enough motive. I think the threat of death hanging over someone would be plenty reason to say whatever will keep them alive. Do you agree?" 

"I can't say the statistics on my world disagree," I deflect. "But I can think of one way to convince you I'm not lying." I mentally punch the air in triumph at getting back on track. 

"And what's that?" Obito asks, eyes half lidded but otherwise expressionless. 

"Itachi and Nagato looked through my memories. They can show you and prove what I'm saying."

He laughs. He actually howls in amusement at my suggestion. Right before he goes back to the demeanor of a cold-blooded serial killer. 

"That's two strikes, 'Rin'. Nice job getting back to your original point. Very crafty, not so smooth in the delivery, though. I think I've wasted enough time here-"

"WAIT!" I cut him off as he pulls a kunai out of his sleeve. "I mean, if you don't want to, uh, ask them to show you, couldn't you just look through my memories yourself? I don't know exactly how they did it, but you should also be able to do it, too. Right?"

He raises a brow at me. 

"You really are desperate, aren't you?"

I shrug. It's not like you're threatening to kill me or anything. -_-

"Fine," he grumbles, standing tall and facing me as his eyes strain. I feel a faint throbbing kind of all over my head, and then - I can't really explain this very well but - there's a pop. It's not physical or painful or anything, it's more of a phantom of sound. It's weird, and the first thing to come to mind after registering it is the word "rejection". I don't get a good feeling from it. 

Focusing my attention from the weird headache back to Obito, I notice his right eye is bleeding, his hands clenching and unclenching in pain and anger. Before I can ask what happened, I find myself utterly overwhelmed by pain and panic. My head bounces against stone, my back stinging from the landing and subsequent scratches and scrapes of the floor. I'm too dizzy and rattled to see straight, but my hands instinctively try to remove the hands threatening to crush my trachea. I hear him laughing psychotically. 

"Oh, you're fucking done, bitch. I gave you so... many... chances... So many chances! I don't think I've ever let someone live as long as you have so far, especially when they prove to be useless after all."

Just as I think I'm about to pass out, I hear some kind of whooshing sound, and I can "sense" another presence near Obito and I. It's... strange, to say the least. Whatever - or whoever - it is causes Obito to let go of me, and I cough and gasp as my vision slowly comes back with fuzzy spots everywhere. 

"You- How the fuck are you here?!" Obito screams, enraged. I flinch in spite of myself. "You know what? Never mind. This just gives me the perfect opportunity to kill you~"

I almost manage to scream when I'm suddenly scooped up into someone's chest, but a hand on my mouth prevents any sound from coming out. I blink a few times and make out a blurry Nagato, who quickly covers my eyes before that dizzying sensation caused by shunshin makes me want to throw up. 

It's too much. Too much stress, adrenaline, fear. It feels like I'm about to pass out, throw up or shit myself. My body chooses the second option. 

I end up running out of Nagato's arms and spew stomach acid in a bush. 

A bush...?


Wiping my mouth on my hand before rubbing it on my pants, I look down at myself in concern and confusion. Before I start genuinely questioning how and why I'm human again, I turn around and look back at Nagato. He also seems somewhat intrigued by my appearance. 

That's not unnerving at all-

"Come on, we need to get away from here," he says, his mouth not syncing up with what I'm hearing. I walk over to him as he gestures. 

"Are you speaking Japanese right now?" I ask. 

He nods and pulls me into him yet again, teleporting us to yet another location. 

"Don't throw up on me," he grimaces, preparing to shunshin again. "We've got a long ways to go."

"Oh, fun," I grumble, holding my stomach with one hand as the other hovers near my mouth at the persistent nausea. 



Here's another chapter. I'm slightly dying lol won't promise another chapter next weekend bc I'm usually late but I'll be working on it 

Also, if ur confused just ask and I ~might~ clarify bc honestly I wrote this in three different sittings so my mindset shifted a bit throughout the chapter. This is also about a 1,300 word chapter so imma pat myself on the back a lil bit

Love ya! 

~ Legend

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