Two Brothers finally met

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The Rise of Mafia King (part 5)

"Eren you have visitor" Armin informed his boss

"Who is it?" He asked while playing with his gun

"Man introduced himself as Zeke Jaeger"

"Fine, bring him in" Armin nodded before leaving Eren's office

Not minute after tall, broad man with blue eyes and shaggy blond hair along with thinner beard entered mafia leader's office

He had glasses that were shining on chandelier's light.

"I'm impressed, I thought he'll leave you living in shit hole after he dies" Zeke said while looking around the office, after he finished admiring Eren's new office he finally took a seat

"What business do you have with me?" Eren finally asked after long silence between them

"Is that how you say 'hello' to your older brother?" Zeke joked

"I don't have brother" new mafia boss said with serious expression on his face

"Yes you do, well not from same mother that is. Whatever, I'm really shocked father never told you about me"

"I'm not really in mood to talk, so please be quick and tell me what do you want"

Zeke gave him 'you're not fun' expression however it quickly changed into cold and serious

"As you wish, I want you to give me full ownership of this mansion as well as your position as mafia boss" Eren arched his eyebrow "and why would I do that?"

"As far as I know you never wanted to be the leader of a criminal gang, your father put the burden on your back even if you told him you didn't want to but according to the old tradition, whoever is older takes everything"

Eren only chuckled at his last words "such traditions are no longer followed or respected. We don't live in the 19th century anymore. As for your request the answer is no."

Zeke glared at his half-brother "if that's all you may as well get out" he said as he stood up

"What if I tell you I know who killed your mother"

At this Eren's heart started beating up faster

"What..?" He whispered

"I'll tell you who killed Carla if you accept my offer"

Eren recovered from shock, through gritted teeth said "over my dead body"

Zeke sighed, finally giving up "such a shame, I thought you're not heartless as they said. Looks like I was mistaken" with those final words he left the office

New mafia boss sat back down on a chair, deep in thoughts after what Zeke just told him

-later that night-

"Please tell me you're not serious about giving your position to some stranger!" Armin said after his best friend told him about conversation with his half-brother

"But he knows who killed my mother!" Eren argued

"Eren! Don't be stupid! We can find out by ourselves, we don't need some help from complete stranger!"

"He's not stranger! He's my brother!"

"And you believe him!" Armin rised his voice


Armin sighed "look maybe you should-" he was cut off by female voice yelling "I'M BACK!"

Sasha came in the living room with begs in her hands

"How are you guys?"

"As you can see, we were discussing something serious until you cut me off" Armin said with boredom in his voice

"...ops, sorry. Anyway I brought you some food"

"Thanks Sasha" just when she was about to walk out and leave her boss and his right hand man alone Armin noticed red spot on her neck

"Hey wait a that..A HICKEY!"

Sasha quickly covered her neck with hands, she answered nervously "um no. You must imagine things..haha..I'm going to sleep now! Goodnight!"

She ran out of living room "hey wait a minute! I'm not done yet!!" Armin ran after her leaving Eren alone

Eren sighed, small smile appeared  on his face "those two."


"Funny how I had to beat you up 10 times just for you to talk" Levi said with sarcastic voice

"I dare to say, your sisters tactics were better. At least she's not violent" Eren said with smirk on his face despite being beaten up

Levi's right eye twitched in anger, he kicked Eren in the face once again "if you ever addressed my sister in that tone again I'll kill you. I don't care if you're key to stop this Marley gang"

Eren chuckled "easy captain, I never said anything bad about your sister. On the contrary, it was a compliment. No girl or woman was that good in bed before"

Levi pointed gun against his head "you sure have death wish Jaeger"

"Go ahead, shoot me. But I don't think Mikasa would appreciated her boyfriend being shoot by her older brother"

"Why you-"

"Levi!" Mikasa's voice came behind him, he lowed his gun and turned towards his sister's direction

"Remember what Hange said, you can't kill him until we get all informations" she said with stric voice

"This fucking asshole called you a whore!" Levi answered angrily, Mikasa rised eyebrow at mafia king

"I didn't said that, I just told him you're really good at bed" Eren defended himself making Mikasa blush

"Shut up Jaeger! And you! Are you seriously dating this guy!" He pointed at Eren, Mikasa looked at him like he became tall

"Hah? Dating? I'm not dating him"

Levi glared at Eren harder "you sure want to die today."

"Ah you got me" he acted like he has been defeated

That was last shot to take for Levi to snap

He grabbed Eren by his collar "is this game to you?!" He asked with cold voice

"Wow, Levi. I never saw you this angry in your entire mafia career"

Mikasa facepalmed herself 'what an idiot' she thought

(A/N who killed Carla? That question will be answered soon)

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