Chapter 2

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"Dawnkit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dawnpaw. Moonwing, since Slatwhisker is a warrior, you are free to take on another apprentice. I hope you will pass on all that you know to this young apprentice." 

Moonwing bounded up to Dawnpaw and they touched noses. Dawnpaw quickly went to sit with her siblings. 

"Leopardpaw! Lionpaw! Whisperpaw! Dawnpaw!" The clan cheered, crowding around the siblings and welcoming the new apprentices. 

"I'm so proud of you all." Their mother, Brightsky, came up to them purring and nuzzling them. "Now, you'd better go and see what you're mentors want." 

Dawnpaw run to her mentor. "Can we go patrol the territory? I really want to see what RiverClan territory looks like!" 

"All in good time. First, I want you to clear out the elders old bedding, Wolfpaw will bring in the new bedding." 

"Awwww fine." Dawnpaw grumbled, heading towards the nursery. She stopped by her siblings. "Whats going on with you guys?" 

"Hazelbranch said she would show me the territory!" Whisperpaw mewed, eyes glowing. 

"She probably wants you to remain loyal to your clan." Leopardpaw mewed crushingly. 

"Yeah. Mothdream said she would teach me some fighting moves." Lionpaw said swiping at something invisible. 

"And Whitefang said he would teach me some hunting techniques," Leopardpaw mewed loftily, "Better than patrolling the territory!" 

"Aww you guys get to do more fun things than I do. And I'll be alone! Until Wolfpaw shows up." She muttered the last bit. 

"I'll help you!" A voice mewed from behind her. She whirled around to see a handsome orange tabby standing behind her, grinning. 

"Hawkpaw! You startled me!" She mewed. 

"Hello. Nice to see that you're finally out of the nursery." He joked. 

"Hey! You only got out of the nursery five days ago!" 

"That was a long time ago." He defended himself. 

"Lets just go clear the elders den." She mumbled shaking herself. 

"Okey dokey." He ran after her. 

After an hour Dawnpaw was utterly exhausted. 

"C'mon just a little more." Hawkpaw tried to encourage her. 

Then Wolfpaw suddenly burst through, holding a mouth full of moss, "Sorry I took so long!" 


Wolfpaw flattened his ears, "I'm sorry! Its just that I couldn't find any moss in the usual area." Wolfpaw apologised. 

Dawnpaw huffed and walked out of the den. 

"Dawnpaw is everything okay?" Her mentor, Moonwing, meowed concerned. 

"No! Because I was slaving away in the elders den whilst Wolfpaw took his own sweet time getting the moss." She growled. 

"There was a moss shortage," Moonwing pointed out fairly, "You've worked long enough, come eat some fresh-kill then get some sleep. Tomorrow, Mothdream, Whitefang and I will take you and you're siblings to patrol the territory. Okay?" 

"Okay!" Dawnpaw mewed, all signs of anger replaced by excitement. 

"Go on!" Moonwing mewed stifling a mrrow of laughter. 

Dawnpaw padded towards the fresh-kill pile and picked out a plump water vole and took it to a corner to eat. Now that she thought about it, it was a bit unfair to yowl at Wolfpaw. After all, it wasn't his fault.

"Dawnpaw?" A hesitant meow interrupted her thoughts. "May I eat with you?" 

It was Wolfpaw. "Of course." 

Wolfpaw placed his mouse opposite hers and started to eat. Dawnpaw was the first to speak. 

"I'm sorry," Wolfpaws ear twitched in suprise, "I shouldn't have yowled at you." 

"Thats okay, I understand that you were having a pretty full on day and I forgive you. Friends?" He ventured. 

She smiled, "Yeah friends." 

Wolfpaws POV 

She looked so beautiful. Especially when she smiled. He hated the fact that he made her yowl at him. He wanted to make her happy forever. He had a feeling that StarClan planned for them to be together. Forever and always. 

But that wouldn't happen if Hawkpaw kept on taking up her space. Hawkpaw probably liked her but he couldn't be with her. He was meant to be with her. He would do anything to make sure that happened. 


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