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"You are so..."

My body won't move, my heart is pacing so fast, my mind is not thinking straight, and my eyes could not believe what was happening.

This isn't a dream, right? Can someone pinch me and tell me this isn't a dream? My heart is about to explode with joy and excitement.

Hello? Stop thinking about that, mister, and focus more on the real world because it's moving too fast.

God, his face is so close that our lips are just a few centimeters away. His eyes were very dazzling, and the way he looked at me made me melt. His palm on my cheek was warm, and my breathing became uneasy.

Calm down! He's recently not been in the correct state of mind, and it is my duty to take care of him and let him sleep.

"Xiao, you—" He didn't let me finish my sentence because he sealed my lips with his lips. My eyes widened in shock, and time had completely stopped.

My body froze, and it's hard to process what happened. His lips were soft, and the kiss was gentle and sweet, which made me feel like I was on cloud nine.

Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now because, for six years, my beloved crush has been kissing me on the lips. Hear that? On the lips!

Although the kiss was only a few seconds long because he fainted and fell asleep on my chest, but still! It does not change the fact that he kissed me.

What is this? Is it my birthday? Christmas? Is Cupid a fan of me? Is that the reason why he gave me pure blessings in my love life?

Heat rushed over my cheeks, and the strength of my body is slowly draining away. My left and right brains debated whether this was a hallucination or not. My fingertips trailed my lips softly as the warmth from his lips lingered and remained attached to them. My heart couldn't seem to be at ease and felt like there were fireworks inside because it kept pumping loudly.

A smile immediately formed on my face out of joy, and the moment was so beautiful to cherish. My eyes landed on the dark-haired boy who was sleeping peacefully on my chest. My fingers ran down to his soft and silky hair and gave him a kiss above his head.

"Now, it's so hard to not love you." I chuckled and softly pinched his nose.

It took me minutes to realize that he was sleeping on my chest, so I gently placed him on the bed for him to sleep peacefully and fixed his hair because it was a bit messy.

Not to mention, the view is so magical because he is a beautiful angel when he is sleeping. My hand unconsciously fished my phone out of my pocket and took a photo of him asleep.

You're going to get arrested for that, hun.

It's not my fault! It's my hands. They moved on their own.

Yay! You're officially a gaslighter. Congratulations!

Shut up! Fine. I admit that it's my doing, and I know that it's a crime to take photos without consent, but let me keep this for emergency purposes.

Dude, you should seek help.

My left brain is clearly not on my side, but the photo is taken perfectly. Xiao is so cute when he's asleep. I touched my lips again and couldn't help but quietly squeal because my first kiss was taken by my crush.

A yawn escaped through my mouth, and my eyes are slowly shutting down until darkness finally fills me.

Hours went by, and a beeping sound from my phone woke me up. I checked what it was, and it's a message from my sister, who is telling me to come home since the blue sky became a starry night sky.

I stretched my arms and looked at Xiao, who was still asleep. He is such a cute potato angel. Of course, it was impossible for me to drag his ass towards his home, and it hurts me to wake him up from his deep slumber, so I decided to call Uncle Childe. However, his dial number was unreachable. Maybe he was busy, so I called Uncle Zhongli instead.

I exhaled in relief when he picked up the call and I explained the current situation to him. He said that he would arrive at school in about five minutes, so I plugged in my earphones and spent time listening to music.

A few minutes passed, and a tall, handsome man with sharp amber eyes wearing a professional business black suit appeared.

"Uncle Zhongli!" I called, and he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Aether, I want to thank you for looking after my son and waiting for my arrival," he said.

"It's fine, Uncle. You don't have to thank me." I panicked and shook both of my hands.

He let out a small chuckle at my gesture and said, "Ajax also told me that Xiao looked in a bad shape earlier, but he did give me assurance that he can stand with his two legs. However, it still worried me because this child seems to have a bad habit of acting fine when he's not. It made me calm to know that you have taken care of him. You must really love my son, am I correct?"

My cheeks turned red, and my eyes avoided his gaze. "I... uh—"

My brain went on a short circuit at this moment. What should I say? My confidence went poofy after he asked me that question. I don't know what will happen next, and it scares me to think whether he will support me or not. More importantly, isn't this similar to asking for blessings from parents? Aren't I moving too fast? Whatever! Stop overthinking and let him know the truth.

"I do l-love him," I stuttered.

He smiled and patted me on the back. "You have my best support, but do me a favor and love him for who he is."

Joy blooms in my body, and a grin spreads across my face. "I will!"

"Great! Can you help me put Xiao on my back?" he asked, and I immediately bobbed my head in response.

It amused me to know that Xiao is not easy to wake up because his eyes were still closed after so many attempts to put him on his father's back. We went to the school's parking area, and Uncle Zhongli insisted on giving me a ride to my home even though I had already turned down his offer twice since our house is only a mile away from school.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now