Wake Up, Dreamer.

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I want to be a writer. Yes, that's what I want. It's what I've always dreamt about since I was younger and I intend to make that dream come true, no matter what it takes.

As I finished the current paragraph I was working on, I once again fought the urge to roll my eyes. Why was I even writing in the fantasy style again? Real life certainly wasn't as easy as a beautifully crafted fairy tale where happily ever afters are certain for all, as my cousin constantly harps on, especially if she hasn't had her morning coffee yet. However, as much as I sometimes hate to admit it, I know she's being logical and realistic. I must make the choice to put in a lot of hard work if I wish to achieve my writing dreams. My constantly overflowing optimism is only half the journey.

 Dusk fell softly and the lamps slowly began to glow thanks to calm candle light. My cousin (who was my only family) wasn't planning to head up to bed until the sky turned pitch black, but as usual, I made a typical decision to crash early. Looking back, I'm very pleased I did so because the secret is, when I dream at night, anything feels possible and the creative ideas start to blossom and grow freely again.

The dreams came in short, beautiful flashes. I could see myself selling my stories to people from all walks of life. I could clearly imagine my stories getting printed and published for the world to read. Now wouldn't that be something! My stories could inspire and maybe, just maybe, they would mean something to everyone! I would love that more than anything!

I woke up the next morning with a renewed confidence and courage. One thing I knew for certain: I wasn't going to give up easily.

"The road to my dreams coming true begins here." I said out loud, confidently and unapologetically, with no trace of doubt.

And then I proceeded to write to my heart's content, feeling more determined than ever.

So, if you're reading this and you have a dream, go for it! If others tell you no, find a way to make it happen. If you put your mind to something, anything is possible. Everything you need is inside of YOU! Don't let fear or the noise of other people write your story for you, because you're the one that's in charge of your narrative.

Believe in yourself and never give up because:

Wake Up, Dreamer.

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