Chapter I

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Chapter 1

Paisley's POV

Almost everyone at school  talked about this new app called
clique7app however I didn't have a phone so what was there for me too talk about?

"Pais you have too try this app, I have so many friends now."my best friend Avery says, Its funny because I've told her so many times before I don't have a phone and it doubt my dad will get me one

"Right I forgot your dad is a control freak." She laughed and pulled a phone out

"Here you can have my old one I just got this phone yesterday." She said hanging me her old phones she's had since freshman year

"You sure?" I asked and she nodded

"All my info is already transferred on this phone so you can restart that phone and make it yours."Avery says

I looked at her "Is this app really important that I need it? Cause I'm fine with being invisible I'll leave the popularity stuff too you." I said ranting on giving her reasons why I shouldn't have the phone

"Pls it'll be it an early birthday present from your bestie." She says I smiled "okay fine."

She took the phone "here let me help you set up."

"I-okay yeah sure." I said abd she rolled her eyes "don't worry it's a safe app nothing happens besides meeting new people." She said as she made the account

"Meeting strangers what if there's a Serial killer on there?"I asked and she chuckled "You watched to much Criminal Minds."

"For one I only watched it for Spencer Reid. And fur two those things can happen in real life." I crossed my arms

"There!" She said and turned too me taking a picture of me and her together

"Seriously?" I asked as she shrugged

"Your now three steps from being like me." She says "is that bad or good?" I asked


Maybe I saw her betrayal coming but I was too stupid and in love with her beauty.

Kendra Parish a girl who should not be trusted, I knew the rumors of her using men but I was the last one she'll ever hurt

"Your being a bit dramatic about this Ian's just a friend nothing more nothing less."Kendra says taking her phone away from me as she deletes the picture of Ian and her together

"There happy?....y'know stress give you wrinkles,jealous leads to stress and oh look you've got wrinkles" Kendra points at my forehead as I quickly move away from her hand

"Oh c'mon your not still mad are you?" She asked "No." I said

"Good now get ready was have a party too attend."

I grabbed some clothes out of my dresser but she takes them away

"Not this outfit again." Kendra said

"What it's my lucky outfit, my favorite shirt."

She sighs "babe no offense but you look like a druggie in that outfit your not a druggie your an athlete dress like one."

She throws clothes at me and walks out

See the thing is Kendra....I don't care and I'll dress how I like thank you very much

I put my favorite outfit on even though I know she'll make it a huge deal

I walked out "where are the other clothes." She asked

"I burnt them lets go we're late." I said

"That was allot of money."she said and I looked at her"Yeah who's money, yours or your daddy's?"

"That is so not fair." Kendra says following me out

"Oh yes its was." I said ignoring her ranting

She's probably gonna end up cheating with me last party she got drunk and made out with someone 'thinking' it was me

I'm about done with being used soon it'll be the last time she uses me I don't know what I'll do probably just break up with her and move too another town where she can't look for me.

Some say she's psychotic and that her last breakup was messy but she made the poor guy's life hell

Well baby I'm a sociopath. At least Im pretty sure I am, I have a pretty bad temper and I think of really morbid things but we all think of morbidly things sometimes

But not as much as I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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