fifty-one: too good to pass up

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nathan dawson's pov:

"I can see you like it." I pointed out while setting milkshakes in front of each customer at the table. Strawberry for Nicholas, chocolate for Solar, Kieran and Anshil, vanilla for Choni and Johnny.

"Woah, what gave me away?" Nicholas swallowed the huge bite of hamburger he had been wolfing down like he hadn't been fed for days. There was mayonnaise all over his chin. When Anshil wiped Nicholas' face clean with a napkin, I couldn't help but smile.

Ever since Nicholas stopped pretending to be the perf*ct son/human/student/whatsoever, he was like a different person. I mean, sure, he was still annoying at times, but I could tell he was genuinely happier. And because of that new-found happiness, he was much more fun to be around with.

"Does anyone want anything else?" I turned my focus on the rest of our friends sitting at the table.

Johnny was showing Choni and Kieran something from his phone. The volume was so quiet I couldn't really tell what it was, but my guess is it had something to do with Johnny's new puppy. At least that was what Johnny had been talking about nonstop for weeks now.

"We're all good." Solar raked a hand through his close cropped hair, which was something he in turn had been doing incessantly ever since he went to a barber. I couldn't blame him, touching his short hair felt amazing to the point it was addictive. Then he gave me a beaming smile: "Just finish your shift soon so that we can get going."

Which is exactly what I did. I was behind the counter, and it pleased me to see how much easier it had gotten to talk with the customers. I was still nervous, especially with the other students of Frostford High, but I could get through the exchange with minimal stuttering. 

I was using the fake it till you make it method, and all I had to do was pretend I was a confident person who had it all together. Sometimes I could see glimpses of that confidence without faking and I had a feeling that each day I needed to resort to the method a little less. 

I even thought it was pretty great to be Nathan Dawson; the awkward stammering boy, who loves PB & J sandwiches and is good at chemistry. Obviously there was more to me than what I could and couldn't do, what I liked and what I was good at, but I was still figuring that out. I was still putting the pieces together and making a map of myself and the people around me.

My twin brother, who is both amazing and annoying at the same time. My absent father and my mom, who thinks she isn't almighty, but after a cup of coffee can do pretty much anything. Jeffrey, the best step dad in the world. My little brother, who watches Star Wars over and over again and can eat a jar of chocolate chip cookies without feeling sick. My former only IRL friend, who still refuses to talk to me. My online friends and all the new friends I have made during the last year of high school. 

I glanced at my side, finding Solar already looking at me. Heat creeped up my cheeks, but I masked my embarrassment by grinning at him. 

My boyfriend who is named after the sun and who doesn't trouble himself with the opinions of others. Who loves reading and old people's music. Everything about Solar is pretty amazing. I would like to say perf*ct, but I doubt he would have liked that very much.

"What are you still doing here? Your friends are waiting for you." Bessie rested her hands on her hips, somehow managing to look friendly and intimidating at the same time.

"Uh, i-it's only quarter to five."

"I can see that, and I'm telling you to go have fun with your friends." Bessie's wrinkled face melted into a warm smile.

"Really? Thank you so much." I set down the stack of mugs and turned to gape at her. She nodded and I jumped up and down a few times, my smile a mile wide. Once I had taken off my apron, my chest filled with a new sensation: wistfulness. "I'm going to miss you and this place."

"And we'll miss you." I couldn't believe what I was seeing when Bessie had to dry her eyes. She wasn't big on showing emotions, unless those included cursing. "Now, quit acting like this is your last shift, and go have fun with your friends."


I closed my eyes and sunk into the cushion of the couch. After a school day and a shift at C&B's I was drained, but having the house all to ourselves was too good of an opportunity to pass up. 

"Here you go." Solar pressed something cold against my cheek and I snapped awake. He sat on the couch and handed me the can of Coke he was holding. 

"How do I connect this?" Anshil frowned at the cables and I was about to get up to help him, but Choni beat me up to it.

When a close-up of a screaming woman appeared on the screen, it was my turn to frown: "Wait, is this a horror movie?"

"Did I forget to mention Nathan won't sleep for a month if you choose a horror movie?" Nicholas appeared from the kitchen with an amused grin on his lips. When he set a bowl of chips and popcorn on the coffee table, I wanted to grab a handful and throw it into his smug face.

"Maybe we could watch something else?" Solar suggested, circling an arm around my waist.

"Don't worry, it's only R rated." Kieran patted my shoulder and joined us on the couch. I wanted to tell him it wouldn't make much of a difference whether it was R rated or adults only, but I just pursed my lips together and snatched a pillow I could hide behind. 

We had the house all to ourselves, while mom and dad took Jonathan to visit uncle Connor. Nicholas and I were invited as well, but we were quick to make excuses not to go. Visiting him was always so dreadfully boring when there was no TV or games to play.

Nevertheless, we weren't having a party or drinking anything stronger than soda. We weren't even going to blast music or invite half a school over, and for that I was glad. It was just going to be a couple of friends, a likely way too scary movie and having Solar over the night.

"You are going to love this." Johnny grinned, a rather scary glint in his eyes, when he pressed play. Why did I have a feeling I was most certainly not going to love the movie?


Do you like horror movies?
I love them! We just went to see Men, which was surprisingly good. :)

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