-•Christmas•-Chapter 9

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It's been forever!! I decided to start it up again, people seemed to like it :) the TOADS is like owls and newts but for first years :)

"Mornin' Y/n" Hagrid, the groundskeeper smiled as he hang tinsel on the banisters

"Good morning Hagrid!!" I smiled as I spotted Naomi, which means Andrew wasn't far behind.

"Hey, are you ready two for the TOADS?" I asked making them groan

"You know that isn't for another month, right" Andrew complained

"You can never be-" I started

"Too prepared" Andrew finished rolling his eyes at me.

"Where's dumb dumber and dumbest?" Naomi changed the subject

"Who knows" I replied and almost on cue the three boys ran into the great hall followed by an angry Flitch and a rancid smell of dung bombs. "I'll be back" I walked in as Fitch stormed past.

"What did you three do?!" I sat down with the trio who were still laughing

"Nabbed this" Fred pulled an old piece of parchment out of his pocket.

"What does it do?" I asked

"Who knows" Fred replied cooly

"In Fitch's off bin of dangerous stuff" Lee explained "had to be cool"

"Whatever" I spread cream cheese on my bagel. At the same time as every day before all the owls flew through the open windows dropping mail left and right. A letter sealed with a paw print landed in my lap, I eagerly opened it and read the contents

Dearest Y/n,

As you way know Christmas Falls on a full moon this year, I've talked to Molly and we've decided it would be safer for you to stay with her this time around. I'm so sorry Pup.

Uncle Mooney

"Oh" I said sadly as the boys talked of their adventures

"What's wrong Y/n/n?" Fred asked as the other two continued talking.

"Nothing, Mooney won't be home for Christmas" I sighed "at least I get to stay with my favorite boy" I waited for him to process what I'd said.

"US!?!" He asked excitedly

"No, Charlie" I giggled

"Real funny" he crossed his arms "your gonna love Mum, and Ginny's gonna love you" Dumbledore made an announcement wishing people leaving safe travels and those staying an amazing Christmas here at Hogwarts. Once he finished everyone rushed from the great hall and to the carriages for Hogsmeade.

"Woah!" I gawked at the sleek horses drawing the carriage "Freddie, come on!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him onto a carriage.

Time skip to the 3 broomsticks

"Four Butterbeers please" I told the waiter as we awaited our drinks a familiar brunette boy walked in, Adrian Pucey. He was in my History of Magic and Astronomy classes. "Hey Adrian!" I called him and his friend Graham Montague over making George groan in disgust.

"Y/n, you know you're free to stay with us in protection of your...reputation" Adrian told me

"And you know I'm great with my boys" I reassured the three I wasn't abandoning them. "Please, join us" I added Adrian sat next to me while Graham reluctantly sat next to Lee. "What are your Christmas plans?" I tried to start a conversation

  "Graham and I are visiting Malfoy Manor on family matters" Adrian replied "how about you?"

  "Oh, I'm going to the Weasleys actually, Charlie was telling me about this lake they ice skate on" I smiled as the waiter returned. I dug through my pockets but Graham had already paid the tab. "Graham, I could've gotten it" I tried to repay him but he denied

"It's really no bother" he smiled "Adrian, we really must be going" he looked at him. "Nice seeing you Y/n" I waved them off before returning to the conversation.

  "Nice lads aren't they" I smiled but they all, especially Fred, looked at me stone faced. "What?"

  "For your... reputation" George mocked "what asshats"

  "Asshats is a compliment" Lee added

  "They just have a bad way of... making friends" i explained "they were raised to think they're better than everyone else"

  "Whatever" Fred glared into his cup "I'm not thirsty, meet me outside"

"You were the one who suggested-" I tried to speak but he was gone "-butterbeer"

Fredrick Gideon Weasley!! Y/n x Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now