Pretty boy- Chapter 13 (Angst)

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Y/n pov

I threw on some cloths before rushing out to meet the rest of the group. Charlie had already gone to help with the guests arriving when we ate lunch.

"Perk up Freddie" I elbowed him as we ate sandwiches out on some picnic tables "We're at the World Cup watching your second favorite team with some of your favorite people"

"Yeah, some" He muttered

"Georgie giving you a hard time?" I joked but he looked at me dead serious, which I hadn't seen before.

"No" he said coldly "you are"

"Excuse me?" I stopped eating while Hermione gestured to us for Ginny.

"You heard me" he replied, unfazed

"If you didn't want me here you shouldn't have invited me" I stood abruptly making the family's heads turn.

"Yeah go off with Pretty Boy" He continued

"I will" I grabbed his coat, I was planning on returning, and stormed away

Fred Pov

"I will" she said with so much distain it almost broke my unfazed mask but it didn't.

"Have fun" I called after her

"You're an insufferable prick" she said angrily

"Bro" George complained "We were supposed to be vacation"

"Piss off" I stabbed my salad with my fork.

"Language" Dad said as the table turned back to what they were doing.

"You're the other boy, aren't you?" Hermione asked

"What?" I scrunched my nose

"The other admirer" She said casually. George choked on air and Ron coughed his drink back into his cup.

"I'm going to take that as a yes" She stood up and followed Y/n. I'd normally go after her but I couldn't care anymore. We invite Y/n to hang out with us, with me, and she goes after Pretty Boy like a lost puppy.

"She's not into Diggory" Ginny told me

"How'd you know that" I spat

"Because she likes y-" she said "-someone else"

"Who?" George asked as she walked away. She flipped him a birdie as she walked.

Y/n pov

"What an idiotic, unbearable, unbelievable" I grumbled as I walked in the arena. I watched my feet as I walked when I bumped into someone, full force.

"We need to stop meeting like this" Cedric smiled with his normal charm.

"We do" I tried acting normal but he'd noticed something wrong.

"Is everything ok?" He asked, sitting on the bleachers behind us.

"Boy troubles" I sighed, leaning back in the seat.

"Weasley?" He asked

"Oh how'd you know" I said sarcastically

"Maybe cause he's storming in in the other side of the stadium" he nodded to Fred and George, who were seeming to bicker.

"Wanna do something fun?" I asked, a faint smirk on my lips.

"That being?" He asked

"Just, flirt with me" I said

"If you wanted me to flirt with you, you could've just asked" he said smugly.

"Guess I am" I replied

"You're beating him at his own game, huh?" he gently pulled my face over to look at him.

"Per usual" I shifted closer to him.

Fred pov

"And she's probably off sucking faces with Diggory-" I ranted but George cut me off.

"Uh- Fred" I followed his gaze to see Y/n across the stadium. Not just Y/n, Y/n snogging Cedric Diggory.

"Not into Cedric my ass" I stormed away, hit tears pricking my eyes.

"Fred!" Ginny ran over to me. "Where have you been-" I pushed passed her and towards the tent, swallowing my pride and breaking down half way there.

"Bullshit" I yelled, leaning back on a log next to me in the ground.

"What's going on?!" Ginny exclaimed

"Uh, go see yourself" George looked back at the large stadium behind him. Hermione and Ginny made there way over when Charlie carried out some logs for the fire.

"Fred?" He asked, dropping what he was doing and running over to my side. "What's going on?" He looked up at George.

"Um... let's just say Fred was right about Diggory" George said softly

"Hey" Charlie pulled me into a hug as I sobbed.

Ginny Pov (Sorry for all the changes)

"Y/n!" I raced to her, she was talking and laughing with Cedric.

"What?!" She saw our expressions and shot up "what happened!"

"Come on!" I dragged her away

"Bye!" She called back and waved when we turned a corner.

"What happened?!" Hermione exclaimed

"Wha- How would I know?!" She stammered

"Why did Fred break down half way back to the tent?!" I asked

"Oh shit!" She exclaimed

"What?!" I asked and thats when she explained everything.

"I thought he was just being a prick not-" she said quickly, taking in everything that had happened "shit, shit!"

"He's hysterical" I replied

"I thought he was just overprotective!" She said

"It'll be fine" Hermione reassured

"No it won't!" She exclaimed "I blew it! Big time!"

"Eh" I tried to look on the bright side but she had blown any chance at anything. "Atleast he's hot?"

"Not now" Hermione hissed as Y/n progressively panicked.

"I-I" she stammered.

"We can fix it" I thought for what we could do "We can-"

"Nothing's gonna work" She let out a shakey breath "J-just let it go, I'll see you back at the tent" She walked off in the opposite direction.

"Be back by 6!" Hermione called as she walked out of sight. We walked back to the tent in silence, the same energy in the tent. Harry, Ron, and Percy being the only ones visible.

"Is she with you?!" Harry stood up from bouncing his leg. I just shook my head in response.

"Is he alright?" Hermione asked softly, as to not be heard.

"Nope" Charlie walked over to us from the boys room "Says he's not going tonight"

"He has to!" I exclaimed "He's been waiting for this for months" I said quieter. Charlie just shrugged.

"I'm going to look for her" Harry announced

"Harry leave it" Hermione's voice broke but he was gone. Leaving us in a sorrowful silence as we heard sobs from the room over.

I promised angst
It gets better, don't worry

1018 words

Fredrick Gideon Weasley!! Y/n x Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now