Self Info

16 0 0

Best friends: Lev and Yaku

Known For: Sports Car Racer

Sport Car Driven: White Subaru WRX STI Rocket Bunny

Sport Car Driven: White Subaru WRX STI Rocket Bunny

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Secondary Car: White Audi RS 6 Avant

Secondary Car: White Audi RS 6 Avant

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Third Car: Matte Black Subaru BRZ

Third Car: Matte Black Subaru BRZ

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Things To Remember: 

- Same age as Kuroo just younger by a few months

- When not racing watching Lev and Yaku play

- Same school

Also saying beforehand I do not proof read my work so there would be some spelling errors. Sorry in advance.

🚨I have also changed a few things up so if it doesn't make sense then its probably that reason🚨

Haha i made a mistake and it will go on a little hiatus

Anyways that is all enjoy the read

Anyways that is all enjoy the read

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