
6 0 0

I went inside and slept on the couch with my phone in hand.

6:00 am
*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*

"Bruh it's a Saturday c'mon!"

I picked up my phone.


Hi y/n

who is this again?

Your favourite person

My favouri-

I looked at my phone and it said Kuroo

Ah you could've just said Kuroo

So I'm guessing I'm not favourite

Nope, you're one of them though


Don't oh me


Whatever why you call me at.....

I looked at the clock on the wall

..6:05 in the morning!?!

Goddamn my ears

Sorry but 6 really?

Nah thought you would be awake

You thought wrong, now let me sleep if you got nothing to say

Ah no I called to ask if you are free

At 6?



What's wrong?

It is fucken 6 are you out of your mind the only thing i would be doing is sleeping

Well i'm awake

And I want sleep

Okay I'll let you sleep



Call Ended

"Ah back to sleeping"

I turned over to sleep until someone else called


Y/n - Kenma


Do I tell Kuroo abt your shenanigans?

What? Why

Because he is asking me how you feel about him

He could've said that when we were on call

Well so what do i say?

I dont know

So i can say anything i want

No say I don't know as in you don't know how i feel

Y'know that its weird because he kinda knows I know


Whatever I'll say that

Can I sleep now?

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