Short puppet

396 10 6

There's a lot of Scaramouche stuff in this chapter

Scaramouche PoV:
I woke up to see the time was 6.05. I got up from my bed to get dressed and then do emo shit.


I left my house a bit early so I could walk to school with Y/N since xiao was feeling sick apparently and wasn't gonna be in. I didn't wanna leave Y/N alone. I made my way to her house and knocked on the door. Her mother opened and I asked if Y/N was still home. She nodded and then shouted "Y/N" to come down. When Y/N saw me she ran up to me and hugged me. "Heyy bestieee" she said. I just replied with "hi" as normal as we both left the house to go to school.

Y/N PoV:
You left your house grabbing your bag to leave with Scaramouche. You were sad xiao wasn't gonna be in but you decided to visit him after school. After about 15 minutes of walking you and scara finally made it to school. You left to go to your lesson. As you entered the classroom you noticed the teacher wasn't there so you went to your seat and laid your head on the desk. "I shouldn't have stayed up all night" you thought to yourself. As you were about to fall asleep, someone tapped your shoulder. You got up to see yoimiya. She pointed at the teacher and you quickly sprung your head up before you got into trouble.

After class
After class you had art 😔 which was very sad. You went to your classroom and saw that not many people were inside. U sat in your seat and stared into the nothingness. You heard noises from the corridor as you saw students coming in. From the big crowd of students you saw scaramouche. You waved to him and he smiled before sitting in the seat next to you. You felt a pair of eyes staring at you but you didn't know who it was. You searched around the room only to find nothing. Suddenly the teacher entered the classroom and told everyone we would be going outside to sketch flowers and plants and stuff. It was like the middle of summer so it was very very hot outside. You had like a month till ur summer holiday. You packed up your belongings and took a pencil and your book out to be in your hand and put the rest in your bag before putting your bag on. When you were ready to leave, you went next to scaramouche who had tried to leave without you but failed as you caught up with him. When the whole class was outside and the teacher had given the work we needed to do (draw a flower in the most detail) you dragged scaramouche to the part of the field with lots of daisys. You stared at them for a minute until something unexpected happened. "Heyyy babeee wanna work with my group rather than this ugly bitch" a girl said hugging scaramouche. It was mona. Of course it was mona. U didn't do anything as she was dumb enough to hug scaramouche. He pushed her off making her land on her ass. Lumine ran to her asking if she was okay which made u annoyed. You just sat on the ground and started sketching not wanting to put up with this shit. Mona started crying which made you chuckle. Aether was also laughing and scaramouche just smiled since the only people who like ever heard him laugh was like you and Childe cause you and Childe were him 'besties'. Lumine glared at you before taking mona back to where they were working. Scaramouche joined you on the floor and laughed. "That girl really is an idoit" he said. As you just stood there laughing at what he said. After the lesson was over you went somewhere to meet up with Childe. You saw him waiting looking very sad and lonely kinda like what scaramouche looks like normally. And xiao too. You wondered how you managed to date an emo be best friends with an emo and also be best friends with a ginger. You wondered what went wrong in yourself. "Probs when I was born" u muttered to urself. "What?" Said scaramouche as you both walked over to Childe. "Nothing" you said before running up to Childe and hugging him. After about like 5 minutes later you got bored so you took out ur phone to take secret pictures of Childe to add to your album which had like around 200 pictures of Childe that you took. There was this picture of Childe being really drunk from the last Halloween party he threw at his house. The picture was so funny cause it was Childe making out with zhongli wearing a pink dress. You kept it in your camera roll to blackmail him someday. You took a few pictures of Childe. You then had a very good idea. It would be very risky and you could die from it but you did it anyways. You took......a picture.......of..............scaramouche. He noticed it immediately and grabbed your phone from your hand and deleting the photo. He noticed all the photos of Childe in there too. He looked kinda scared. He looked up to find even more pictures of Childe, some pictures of you, and some of you and xiao together. He scrolled up really far to like when you were a kid. He found a picture with him on it. It was a picture of him and you when you were really young. He forget about that. You snatched your phone back from scaramouche to look at the photo he was looking at. "This is from when we were kids lol" you said as Childe looked at your phone too. "Omgggg baby scaramouche and baby Y/N soo adorable." Childe said in a high voice "but why does baby scara look like he wants to kill me" Childe looked kinda scared. Scaramouche smirked.

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