In an brand new world

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                                                                        ---Change is always hard to face---

                                                                        ---It's how you dealt with it---

                                                                        ---So you could live with it.--

*Ichigo was walking home from school and all of an sudden an bright red porp ((I mean portal but porp sounds too funny to leave out.)) as some unknown force pulled him into some snowy hill covered in dead forest-like trees *

 " head hurts,whatever that was,that wasn't normal." *as Ichigo looks at his now shaking hands as he realized he's not in any known place,hell he's think's not on earth anymore.*

 *as the 15 year old boy say that thought as an big howel coming from many corners of the soul reaper as ichigo ready his weapon towards the darkness beast's and when the boy slash thru the first girmm that was come runing at him,he fell down in pain........ it was like anti-reshi in an way as more and as more of this dark beast's gather around and before they make an way,an big hound girmm with four arms,clearly making it the leader and as it readys it's claws at ichigo,he hears an gunshot........It looks like an bloody mass No wait Red Rose's? it's an girl? wait how? maybe she's an soul reaper like ruika.....*ichigo trys to get up but blood come arcoss the back of the 15 year old boy in the form of scars to be soon on his the big girmm about to slash ichigo but the boy clashes with it with his blade as he puts everything into it......killling the beast but at the cost of his sword being boken as he begin to faded out as the last thing he seen is stange man in an all black cloak with the man was standing over them.*

((Heyo everyone.... sorry about the late's some family drama i have to deal with....but i have to say this.....only ichigo and naruto are the only ones in this crossover that are from other verses.....and there are going be rwby o.cs that will play an role soon.))

The Beast and The Demon of Remnant.((An Bleach and Naruto x rwby crossover.))Where stories live. Discover now