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yes i have stopped this fanfic....for now,it's only cuz of writers blocked and an thing i always seen in rwby fanfic's. THE SAME FUCKING THINGS are being say or how some of the event's still happens,like bruh you think that cardin should be dead when an o.p m.c punched him,what im saying is,don't just do roosterteeth's rwby story with like your m.c only using one line and nothing really changes,do some worldbuilding,shake things up,thru i love rwby with my heart,im moving on at least for now.((thru i got the red trailer done and you as the reader think im just copy the script for it and called it an chapter,nope it have ichigo in it,and i planned on ichigo and ruby getting into the yang's fight in her trailer as well.

so my idea for this story is dead for now,and i do hope one day i will start this one up but in the meantime if any of you wish to take an crack on this,then go on.

that being say,i got some project's im working on,the first is my war of the five worlds story with some of my fav verse's and the other one is an reworked story of Bleach Shippuden,which at my point it's an 5/10 due to my personal reason but im reworking some things to make things better/more better fight's now don't get me wrong,some of the fights in this fanfic are so good but it's like this.......I unleash an lighting move that moves at 1111111111244.1 seconds while blowing up trees and grass,im like really? so im taking out that and not getting into ships due to how toxic they might be,again i don't ask the o.g writer for this rework but i won't take their fan made bankai's for some cannon characters and there's are o.c's in this fanfic,so if anyone whom love bleach/naruto feel free to dm me and we will talk about your o.c in the story.

now for the final,this story is gonna be replaced with the same setup as this but both ichigo and naruto are in destiny........with some other characters due to D1 base story is shit,now i will not take in all of naturo and bleach's characters((cuz if i do that i will take too long to write.)) only the main/the ones whom hits the hardest(i mean to change's the story.)) having say that,this story is my top project for now.      

The Beast and The Demon of Remnant.((An Bleach and Naruto x rwby crossover.))Where stories live. Discover now