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»»----> The next morning, you invited Jiyoung over.

The two of you discussed how the amusement park date went well.

"He wasn't mentioning himself all the time! It was great." You exclaimed.

"Glad you enjoyed it. Did you kiss?" She smirked.

"No, maybe next date I will. If I'm going on all these dates though it's probably best I get a job." You replied.

"You should start working at the Association, we have job positions open." She suggested.

"Okay, do I even have to apply? Am I just hired now?" You laughed a bit.

"I already know you're intelligent and a hard-worker. We just have to get records and such, then you'll officially be a member of the Shinhwa Association." She smiled.

"Can't wait! I'll do my best, don't worry. Even with Inhyuk I won't slack off." You promised.

"I figured you'd take it seriously." She looked at the clock on your wall. "Oh, I have to leave, now. Keep me posted on you and Kayden!" She stood up.

"See you later!" You waved, as she walked out of your apartment.

You decided on cleaning your apartment. Mopping, dusting, and vacuuming.

After you finished, you took your dog for a walk to a nearby dog park. You took your dog of his leash, and let him run free for now.

You sat down on a bench, watching him play with the other dogs.

"Cute dog. Assuming the one with the black collar is yours." You turned, to see a man about your age sat next to you.

"Yeah, he's mine. He's really sweet, I found him in the streets and I took him in." You explained.

"That's nice of you. My dog was from one of the shelters." He told you.

You nodded, not sure what to say.

"Hey, by the way, are you single?" He looked over at you.

"No. I'm dating someone." You kept your eyes on your dog.

"Really? Well, they're lucky. Someone pretty and with a kind heart, although my standards are only looks." He replied.

"Good for you, I guess." You rolled your eyes.

"Why are you being so rude? You should be glad I complimented you. You aren't even all that pretty." He crossed his arms.

"I never asked for you to sit here, or for you to compliment me." You crossed your arms as well.

"I was trying to be a good person by complimenting you. Jesus, women are hormonal." he scoffed.

You turned to look at him. "You're one to talk with your overreaction. I'm surprised you go for looks, because whoever goes for you obviously doesn't."

"Excuse me!?" He shouted. "Don't talk to me like that, unless you want to get beat up."

You laughed. "Good luck. You want to fight? Let's fight."

You stood up, as did he. You punched him in the nose twice, and elbowed him in the ribs. he tried blocking himself instead of hitting you, and it did nothing.

You flipped him over on his back, and walked away to get your dog.

You walked by him, he was on the ground curled in a ball.

"And you called me hormonal? Look at how much of a baby you're being." You kicked the man, and walked back home with your dog.

As you were walking, you received a call from Kayden.

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