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We end up in an even darker room that has been hiddenf rom the light of day for so long that it is very dusty and dark. the floor is soggy even though it is conk creat babey. julian's annoying doc martens make squish squish noises as we walk through.

"ahaaha heehee" julian says. "squish squish"

"stop fucking squishing we have more important coconuts to fuck /nm" i say, upset and very angry

"what where did that idiom come from" julian says

"your moms ass" I reply , knocking down my non existent sunglasses [A/N i am giggling to myself hehehe -🍋] [A/N why -🍓]

"boobs" i say fartily , stomping in a piss puddle in the super cool Spy Kids 3 tunnels

"stop messing around we have to get out of here" julian yells, dragging me towards another branch if the tunnel. I cross my arms like an angry toddler. [A/N you are what you eat -🍓]

"smuh" i say upset, my orbs wet with sadness. i am thrown into the hall to fend for myself, when i suddenly see a pair of bright teal eyes staring at me in the dark.

"grrrrr" the strange and horrifying pair of eyes says [A/N important news, im pissing -🍋] [A/N you said you were shitting -🍓] [A/N shh -🍋]

"ayo what the fuck." i whisper, tucking my dick back into my pants

"rawr nya hiss hiss uwu" the eyes yell, looking like a sans undertale tigersona [A/N this is exactly what i wanted but bestie, I Just Cannot Do This Shit Anymore -🍓] [A/N I AM IN FUCKING TEARS -🍋]

julian immediately starts to cry and pulls out a rosary they stole from their high school religion teacher. "SPARE ME GOD"

"Shhh, be not afraid my child" I tell them "it is only dj tiger. pity to see what she's become, running around the sewers like a little rat possum"

"grrrr" dj tigers sans eyes say rawrily.

"fucking furry" julian whispers

[ A/N JULIAN JUST RICKRLED ME wrong thing nvm that wasn't a ricktocle -🍋 [A/N fucking idiot /lh -🍓]

dj growls. "NYA"

"peepee haha" julian says

"julian come on stop making jokes we need to keep the plot moving" I say angrily, breaking the fourth wall with my pure glorious tits [A/N goddamn it another crossover -🍋]

"fuck off" julian says "im complaining on discord rn" [A/N im actually not payign attention 70% of the time im gonna go log into discord now -🍓]

"N e ways." I look back over the djs eyes "where have you been? you fucking ran off last summer and no one has seem you since, Besite"

"rawr uwu nya" dj says sadly, crying tears from their sickly teal eyes

"i see. can you show us the way out of these tunnels?" i hold out my hand like im trying to console a terrified dog

"nya hiss uwu" she scurries out of the shadows, pointing us towards one of the branch offs. she may be a bit questionable but hey, they're helpful when we're lost in the QuizMart sewer system.

[A/N uwu peepee - 🍓] [A/N that was not me -🍓] [A/N yes it was -🍓] [bold words from someone who doesnnt use the parenthesis -🍓] [A/N pissin and shittin -🍓] [ you fucking suck at impersonating me we've gone over this /hj -🍓] [A/N hehehe balls -🍓]

piss and shit. Thats what was in the sewers. also memes from 2014. and ryan. How he had fallen from grace. [A/N crossover pt. 2 - 🍓]

"ryan!" I say.

"This is just like the last fic what the frick" julian says. [A/N i cant say bad words today because olive is a poo poo head -🍓] [A/N i will say BALLS rn -🍋] [they did say BALLS i am proven incorrect -🍓]

"heee guuuhhhh heee heee hee hee" ryan laughs.

"kansas dick fit in your mouth?!" i say sexily. ryan immediately passes away

"you forgot the first half of the joke idiot" julian says gayly and in a homosexual manner, looking like an entire grocery store produce section (but only the fruit)

"haha. gay" i say in return. "deez nuts!"

Karl Jacobs is alive!!!

Suddenly, I hear a loud banging from behind me. [A/N IT'S ME FUCKING YOUR MOM AHUHUHUH -🍋]

"Did you hear that??" julian says.

"Did you hear me aggressively fucking your dad last night" bluwue says as they materializes in front of us. As a Dave comes creeping up behind us, bwue shoots Dave in Dave's eeny weeny baby nuts. Dave dies.

"shut up blue im going to sacrifice you to Dave"

"You cant do that Dave is dead" blues clues says

"bruh do you know how many fucking

"Daves there are?" julian sharts shartily

pussy and cockeroni


all of a sudden, we see *insert dramatic gasp* THE END OF THE TUNEL WHOLEY FUCKING SHIT COKCS!!!!!!! PEEPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"the tunel! it ended!" julian exclaims in a very manner.

we leave. it is bright. i die of sunburn.

"what the fuck" Author Olive says, leaning over the doll house this is being preformed in and successfully breaking the fourth wall "I'M NOT THAT PALE"

julian pulls out a bottle of sunscreen, loads it into a gun, and shoots mys eormouns titys. I am no longer at risk of skin cancer and i will not be ugly and wrinkly, and i wont look like a stupid widdle lobster maiden name ThatveganTeacher. order now for 50% off with code PEEPEEPOOPOO, and get a bonus coupon with code ENOURMUSTITTIE at! 

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