Chapter 3 Past Memories Part 1

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Chapter Text
"You grew up there?!" Kirishima half yelled, Causing the other to flinch.

'Yep, but can we not talk about this now, we really do need to leave soon.' Kaminari responded, looking at the floor so as to not make eye contact with the other.

"Oh, of course. Sorry."

'No problem.'

With that, silence overtook the room as Kirishima returned to packing the bag.


'Hey, are you guys ready?' Midoriya asked, walking into the room with Bakugou trailing after him.'

'Yep, everything should be packed in the car now. Is there anything else we need to do before leaving?'

'Well, there is one more thing we need to do. Kiri, I'm gonna need you to come with me. Kacchan, you already know what to do, let's get this done so we can hit the road.' Midoriya replied, directing Kirishima to follow him as Bakugou took Kaminari to another room.

Following the other, Kirishima was led to another room with what looked to be a bucket of water in the middle of the floor and a cabinet on the far wall.

'Go ahead and sit down for me, this will be a bit of a process.' Midoriya called, walking over to the cabinet.

"What are we doing?"

'Coloring your hair. People down there will only know you as the hero in training Red Riot, so we can't have you recognized. Ki will be having his hair colored as well.'

"What about you and Bakugou, won't you be at risk too?"

'It's different for Kacchan and I, both of us have been known villains in the underground since we were just kids. And no one would dare mess with us, given who my father is.' Midoriya replied, grabbing a black bottle before returning to his side.

"Who's your father?"

'All in good time, Kiri. You'll understand more once you meet him. I promise I'll tell you more about myself, just let's get out of here first.'


'Now, all we have is black but it'll definitely do the trick. Just sit back and let me do my work.'

"Uh yeah ok."


'Alright finished. There's a broken mirror over there if you want to see what you look like.'

"Oh uh ok." He responded, getting up and heading to said mirror.

Looking into it he could see what looked to be his middle school self. Black hair framed his face causing him to remember why he dyed it in the first place.

'Do you like it?' Midoriya asked, snapping him from his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. It looks great. Thank you." He replied, tearing himself from the mirror.

'Good. Well now that that is done, we should be going. I suspect Kacchan and Kami are already in the car.' Midoriya spoke, heading out the door as he did.

Not wanting to be left behind He quickly followed, heading straight out of the building they were staying in. Seeing the car not far from the entrance, he noted that yes, both Bakugou and Kaminari were already waiting in the car. Getting in the back, he was immediately caught off guard with a black haired Kaminari.

'See something you like?' Kaminari smirked, noticing the other staring at him.

"Oh- uh... yea." He stuttered out, a blush creeping up his neck and covering his face.

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