Part 1-Encounter

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Gokaiger's P.O.V.

Marvelous: Bird, do your thing. Searh for the treasure.

Navi: I'm not a bird!

Navi yells at Marvelous.

Marvelous: Just find it, bird.

Navi: I said I am not a bird.

Marvelous then grabs him and shook him violently like a bottle of milk given to babies.

Marvelous: Just do it, bird. Hurry.

Navi: Fine, fine. Just. Stop.

Navi just gave up and started to find the treasure.

Navi: Navi, Treasure Navigaaatioooon!

Navi then runs around the room and stopped when he bumps his head on the ceiling.

Navi: Someone in Black can tell you something.He has an amazing fellow with him.

All: Ehhhh???

Marvelous: What's with the incomplete fortune telling Navi.

Luka: Let's just go and look for this people.

Don: Yeyyy.Let's explore Earth.

A few moments later

The crew went outside to search for someone in black.

They have been wondering for a few minutes taking in the new surroundings they see. They were getting tired until they arrived at the park. They saw something...

Don and Luka:There!

Everyone looked at where the two were pointing. Tho... they were different directions....

Ahim: Eh?

Joe: What?

Luka: the fuck?

Don: What do we do, Marvelous?

Marvelous then just looks at them with a frown on his facd getting annoyed at Navi and his fortune telling.

Marvelous: Luka, more rings.

Luka looks at him knowing what he meant. He meant to sell more of her rings to get money.

Luka: No, don't.Use something else.

Marvelous: Come on now Luka.

Marvelous: Let's just go and ea-

???:Hey,you guys are the space pirates right?, the ones on the articles. Your face is plastered on the front page of the newspaper.

We look at where the voice came form. It was a kid in a bike wearing.... Black with someone beside him.

Ahim: Black.

Joe: and a companion.

Luka: That must be them.

They smile and proceed to where the two boys are.

Y/N's P.O.V.

We were now going home from school when Niwano spoke up while looking somewhere.

Niwano: Aren't those the space pirates?

I then looked at where he was pointing at. I laid eyes on the space pirates in the articles.

Y/N: I think so.Why?wait don't tell me-

Niwano hurried his way to their direction.

Y/N: Hays.

Gokaiger (Y/N x Ahim)Where stories live. Discover now