Part 4-Let's Go! And Ahim's Past

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New Story (Madi Griffin x Male OC)
from The 100
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Y/N P.O.V.

It's been a month after what happened.The doctors said I can go home and attend school now.I had recovered rather quickly said the doctors to me before I was discharged.

The Pirates have been going on adventures according to them and reports on Television about sightings of a ship.... has been viral and also about them being the able to morph to the past 34 Sentai Teams.

Talk about attention.That's great...

Suddenly something hit me.

Y/N's mind:A month of school work...jeez


I got off the taxi.Going up the apartment I lift my mat to see the key missing.I didn't mind and decided to open the door thinking it was Niwano who took the key.

Opening the door and walking in.I searched for the light switch on the wall.


Y/N:Finally,Home swee-

Gokaiger/Landlady/Niwano:Welcome Home Y/N!

"Welcome Home" I read from a hanging banne.


I look up to see confettis falls down showering me.I look back down to see their smiling faces.They greeted me.Tho of course Marvelous and Joe doesn't care and just stands their....smiling...forced Weird Smiles.

I went inside the house and invite them in even tho they were already inside ^~^


We were having fun and talking about what I missed.Niwano also gave me all the assignments I missed.Sooo manyy *~*

More Timeskip

More time passed and it was night time,Most of the visitors already went.I'm back alone in my house.I go to my bed and lie down.I tried falling asleep but couldn't,I can't get this thing out of my mind...

A chance to be ranger... a hero.But how I'm just a highschooler with 1 friend.I breath in and breath out trying to take it all in.Planing my next move tommorrow.Hyping my self to sleep.I go to my phone,turned on my data and opened spotify.

Searching my favorite song by IU "My Sea"

I fell asleep listening.

One week later (Ep 41 also don't worry I plan on adding my own chapters before the last episode)

3rd Person POV

On the Gokai Galleon,Gai and Joe toss a ball to each other out of boredom with Ahim sweeping,Don cooking up lunch,Marvelous sleeping in his chair and Luka just looking bored. While tossing the ball around,Joe throws the ball too wide, leaving it heading for Ahim. However, the pink Gokaiger uses the broom as a bat, sending the ball ricocheting around the room, hitting Navi's head, then Marvelous's face, barely grazing Luka as she leaned her head, and Don in the face, who had just came out of the kitchen with lunch, making him drop the tray.

Gai, Joe, and Ahim quickly run out for a grocery run, just as an irritated Marvelous got up.

*Mobirate rings*

*more ringing*

Y/N:*yawns* darn it,more enemies.

I pick it up from below my pillow.I quickly ran to the place the mobirate's pinging to.I wore my scarf to hide my face.I'll surprise them lol.

Y/N:Let's Go!

I said encouraging myself.

Moments Later

*fighting noises*

I turned around the parking lot to see Ahim,Joe and Gai on the ground defeated and injured.

Y/N:Oh crap,I was too slow.

I ran quickly to their direction to take on the monster.

Y/N:Over here.

Joe,Gai and Ahim looks at my direction looking surprised.Ahim seemed weird.

Y/N's thoughts:What's bothering her?

The monster also turns around and I slide under him.He turns again looking at my eyes.I aim my guns at his head and smirked.

Y/N:Hi there.

I pulled the trigger on both my guns and got him down.While backing away I reached to my 2 swords behind to unsheathe them.I exchange blows weakening him more.And then finally.My Final Wave will be shown.



I look behind me.She looks furious.Angry.

Y/N:Uhm... Why?

I say in a weird voice trying to hide my identity remember.

Ahim:Zatsurig is mine.I'm gonna kill him myself don't intervene whoever you are.Just go... All three of you

She knows this monsters name?She said mentioning the other 2 behind her.She then tried standing up but couldn't so I tried helping her.I give her my hand.

Ahim:I'll do it!

She was crying.Joe and Gai also looked confused at Ahim's reactions.She tried again to stand up and succeeded.Grabbing her sword and morphing again.She went all out.I watched from behind while protecting Joe and Gai who both are still too weak to move.


Ahim swings her sword harder every blow but Zatsurig stopped it.


Zatsurig then punched her sending her flying.I quickly ran to her direction with Joe and Gai.

Zatsurig :Tss.I'll come back I didn't know there were 7 of you.and he's crazy.

Zatsurig creates a smoke screen before disappearing.

It's been nearly 2 months lol.I'm sorry.School is back...
School is fun specially because it's Face-to-Face again.

Next chapter to be released.

Bye,btw please hit the star.

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