Chapter 2 - Friendship

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Larry walked into the museum, turned the revolving doors and took a deep breath of museum air - the smell of history filled his lungs. That smell reminded him of years of the past - not just historical events, but also the adventures with his museum friends. All his triumphs and failures with his job - all within the same four walls.

Larry did his usual, swift lap around the museum, ensuring that all guests had made their way out. After the coast was clear, he returned to the main lobby where he waited until nightfall for his friends to regain consciousness.

Time had passed. Larry looked at his wrist watch: 5:24. Not much longer now - fortunately, the winter solstice made it so that sunset came much earlier. More time for him to hang around with his friends.

Suddenly, Rexy awoke from his slumber. His body rippled as he stretched his bones. A violent roar erupted from this jaw. Rexy's head immediately turned to Larry, who had just risen from his seat. Rexy sprinted towards him as Larry pulled out a squeaky rubber shoe. 'Come here, big boy. Wanna play fetch?' Larry smiled.

Rexy's head nodded as his tail wagged. His body bent over as he kept a close eye on the rubber toy. Larry threw the rubber toy into a nearby hall way. The toy bounced off, around the corner. Rexy made no hesitation to follow it, running off into the other room.

Knowing that the dinosaur would be content (for now, at least), Larry walked off. He made his way towards his close friend, who was now reawakening: Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States of America. Roosevelt blinked as he slowly came to his senses. Texas, his horse, simultaneously awoke, giving a 'neigh' and stood on his hind legs. 'Lawrence!' Roosevelt exclaimed, with a smile. 'Good to see you, boy.'

'You too, Teddy,' Larry replied, laughing. He pet Texas, showing him equal affection.

As Larry walked around the exhibits, greeting his friends, his stomach began to flutter with excitement, as he prepared himself for the night. He greeted all his museum friends.

'Heyyyyyy Atilla.'
'Sacajawea! What's up?'
'Hey, Jed and Octavius.'
'Hiya Dum Dum.'

A smile was plastered across his face as he continued to walk through all the exhibits. He passed the hall of African mammals. A cheeky chirp passed his ears.

'Dexter! What's up buddy?'

Dexter sat in the trees, cheekily grinning. Larry had already locked the gate to prevent the zoo animals from escaping (and to stop the lions from eating him). After momentarily double checking his pockets for his keys, he carried on throughout the museum.

Larry had memorised his list of instructions by now. His routine came natural to him - he was a complete pro. Larry had done yet another lap of the museum. After, he walked to the art room, where he regrouped his his good friends.

'Hey, what's up guys?'
Everyone began telling Larry about their days, all full of life and excitement. Larry wished he could live in that moment forever.

After a few moments of polite chatting, Larry's good friend Ahkmenrah walked into the room, with a frown on his face.

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