Chapter 2: Captured

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"Alright, here's the plan." Kanan said. "Me and Ahsoka are going to be a distraction while Zeb and Ezra put the bombs on the Star Destroyer and Sabine will be lookout. If anything goes wrong, Hera will rescue us in the Phantom. Does everyone got it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled. We'll leave in 2 days." Kanan said.

Everyone then went to their own rooms, except Ezra. He ran to his tower to go clear his mind.

Ezra's POV

I was on my tower railing when I heard something. At first, I thought it was just a Loth-cat, since they always come near my tower. But it wasn't a Loth-cat. I saw an Imperial vehicle stopping by my tower and I quickly ran inside. I thought that the Empire had forgotten about this tower and that I would keep it since they never used anymore. Outside I could hear breathing. Breathing? It was very loud. I crouched under my bed and pulled out my com link.

"Specter 6 to Ghost, I need help!" I whispered loudly into my com.

"Specter 6, where have you been?" I heard Hera say.

"I'm at my tower and some Imperials are there! I need help now!"

"Okay Specter 6, I'm on my way." I heard Hera say.

I pulled a blanket over myself and waited for the Imperials to go. But they did not. One of them opened the door, and I breathed quietly.

"I sense someone." I heard someone say. They sounded like a robot or something.

"What should we do Lord Vader?" I heard another say.

"Tear up everything. I want the person alive." Vader said.

They started over on the far side over where my stolen helmets were. They were coming closer over to my bed and I held my breath. I slowly moved, but it was a little screech.

"What was that?" Vader asked.

One of the Imperials went over to the bed, ripped off the blanket, and they found me.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Vader asked.

"I can explain." I started saying.

"Sir! It appears he is one of the rebels we are looking for." One of the Imperials said.

"Tie him up and we'll take him to a cell." Vader ordered.

"Yes sir." they said.

The next thing I knew I was being carried out of my tower and driven away to my doom.

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