Underpass battle

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Eunjang's rooftop is usally a place where students who want to skip class and smoke go to. No one actually sleept there, except Silver. He did perfer sleeping in class, but in order to not participate in Pe he had no choice but to sleep on the rooftop.

It was all peace and quite till he heard someone.
,,You know I was admitted to Eunjang high, right? And that Ben park's here too."
Who the hell is he talking to?!
The guy continues: "Apparently Ben is sheming to crush you."
WTF. Can he finally shut up.

He finishes:" He said, he would have beaten you good, if Donald Na hadn't interfered in the fight.And that he'd make sure to destroy you the next time he sees you. You Ok with him going around talking all this crap?"
Whoever he's talking to, he is agitating him.
And who's Ben?

Silver thought as longs as it doesn't affect him, he shouldn't get involved.
But this fucker wouldn't shut up even after the phone call. Silver was pretty sure he was alone, or was there another person also with him.

He popped his head from behind the small building where the bench he sleept on was  located. Nope this dude was alone and just talking to himself. What a weirdo.

Phillip must have noticed Silver: "hey you mf. What are you sniffing around for."
Silver tried really hard to stop his laughter.
"Come over here you fu***."
What did this guy think he was doing. Ordering around?
" Ah but why should I?" Silver finally showwd himself.
Phillip thought Silver was Gray and got a bit angry. This time he thought to himself there is no Ben to protect you.
" You shpuld watch what you say, especially since  that fucker Ben Park isn't around to protect you so I suggest you do as I say."

Silver tilted his head in confusion. Then he relized that Phillip thinks he was gray.
,,Protection? Please I ain't that shit stack you're talking about."
,,Look closely motherfucker."

He went over to him and tried to grab his collar. Silver just kicked him on the face instead. Phillip fell to the ground holding his nose.

"I know that you ain't nothing but a bluff. Stay away from my sight if you want a peacefull school life."

Silver walked away and Phillip sat there till the bell rang. Then he finally noticed that the guy who kicked him wasn't Gray. It was a feeling. They both had diffrent auras around them.

Silver was quite upset that he didn't get his sleep, but he decided to just go back to class after a short trip to the bath room. He was about open the door when it swung open on its own.

There it was a split image of himself. The only diffrence were the eyes. Both Gray and Silver stared at eachother for a moment before Gray finall just walked past his brother.
What a whip,Silver thought to himself. He went in and was immediatly trampled by a blonde guy with spicked hair.
"Out of the way loser." He shouted.

A few moments later Silver had still not arrived in class and Gerard was getting worried. Silver looked fraigle what if someone beat him up?

He got up and asked the teacher if he could use the bathroom.
There he crossed paths with Silver and wanted to ask where he had been, but then remembered that they weren't even close so he just walked past him into the bathroom.

There a guy with blonde hair laid there in one of the toilet cabins. His body was bruised. There only one person who could've done that. Silver.
That bastard. Hahahaha. Didn't know he had it in him.

Silver was back in his seat napping when Gerard got back to his class. He decided to do the same. With that the day ended.

In the halls the next day
Ben Park and Alex Go were arguing whether to go to the pool hall or not. When Ben told Alex there was a hot new partimer the deal was sealed.

Little did they know that Jimmy had sent guys to beat them up. Thanks to Phillip Kim they knew when and where to expect them. But Ben and Alex decided to skip the last class.

To get to the pool hall you have to go through the underpass first. That's also the way home for Gray and Silver. Since Silver didn't want to walk home eith his twin he waited a a bit after Gray left the school building before he proceeded to walk home.

At the underpass Gray saw no way to beat five guys all on his own so he decided to walk around before Helmet, a student from Yoosun noticed him.
"Hey you little bitch over there! Bring your goofy ass here!"

Gray just sighed seeing no solution to this.
Helmet laughed:" Kyhajaja. The infamous eungjang high must be as nasty as they say.
For a twig to act all tough."
He then grabbed Gray and dragged him and hit him on the head with his big hands.
Gray was just thinking if he should just let all this happen. Then he remembered why he was here in thr first place.

He toke out a pen from his front pocket and grabbed helmets hand  putting it on ghe wall. Without warning he stabbed it with the pen.
Before the Yoosun guys were able to react, Gray smashed his head with a brick.

A guy with a red jacket ran at him throwing a punch. Gray toke a step back still grabbing helmets hair. Before the yoosun guy was able to throw a punch he got kicked by two other guys.
Gray looked to see who they were and saw a green haired tall guy and his brother?!

"Hey B. Is it to much to ask from you not to get in any trouble." Silver said to his brother.
Gray let go of Helmet wondering why his brother would intervene.

"Hey, sorry to break your reunion, but got any ideas? You think we can take all of those guys." Gerard says to the two brothers.
"My plan was to just crush one more of them and hope for the best after tha-" Silver interrupted Gray:" You know i thought you would be smarter than that."
Gray just glared at Silver.

"You arrogant fickwards. You think you can handle what you've got into-"
Right then someone shouted:"Heyy! You fucking sons of biaaaatches- Oh wow!All of the most sorry losere in one place!"

Jack now looking even angrier shouted:" Ben Park ! You Bastard!"
Ben :" You look overly excited to see me. Could it be that you came here to get me? Anyhow, back to business.
Looks like I'm on this side, right?
On the gutsy kid's team."

This was an unfamiliar experience for Gray. But also for Silver, who always fought alone.
Ben was going to talk them into submission when Jack triggered Alex, who punched him in the face and so the brawl began.

Helmet attacked Gray again who just smashed his head into a wall. Meanwhile Ben and Alex fought Jack and his goons. But the final blow was delivered by a skateboard?! He was hit with a skateboard right in the face. It hit him so hard he fainted.

All the yoosun students gathered around their number two unsure whether they should continue. This didn't last long as Silver grabbed the pink haired students head and twisted it making a long crack noise.

All of Yoosun but also Eungjang looked at him in shock. First he threw his scate board at Jack knocking him out, now he twisted another Yoosun's student neck possible killing him.

"Silver!" Gray shouted at his brother. His twin just turned to him with an angelic smile and says:" Don't worry B he's not dead."

He then lifts his skateboards and rides away leaving the guys to process what had just happened.

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